Foxglove Excelsior Hybrid Mixed Colors Seed Heirloom - 1 Packet

Pages Seeds

Heirloom Excelsior Hybrid Foxglove Seeds- Mixed Colors


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Easy to grow plants bear several stately and beautiful flower spikes atop leafy stems. Individual blossoms are speckle-throated, thimble shaped in soft colors of cream, white, pink, carmine and purple. They are striking planted singly or in groups. Blooms summer-fall. Also ideal in mature settings. Dramatic for flower arrangements.


Biennial for partial sun. Easy to grow plants bear several stately and beautiful flower spikes atop leafy stems. Individual blossoms are speckle-throated, thimble shaped in soft colors of cream, white, pink, carmine, and purple. They are striking planted singly or in groups. Blooms summer-fall. Also ideal in mature settings. Dramatic for flower arrangements. Non-genetically engineered seeds.

Culture: Warm regions sow in fall, cool regions sow in spring, outdoors in partial shade. Use rich, moist soil with lots of humus. May need staking.

Type: Biennial
Height: 4'-5' (120-150 cm.)
Planting depth: 1/8" (3 mm.)
Seed spacing: 1" (2.5 cm.)
Thinning height: 2" (5 cm.)
Spacing after thinning: 12"-15" (30-38 cm.)
Days to germination: 15-20

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