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Dallis Grass Seed for Pastures Perennial Scientific Name Paspalum dilatatum Seeding Rate 15-20 Lbs....
Eagle Large Lad RR Soybean Seed Large Lad is our most popular Roundup Ready Soybean...
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Planting Persist Orchard Grass Seed Seeding Rate Seed Persist at 18-20 lbs per acre for...
Whistler Winter Peas Whistler Winter Peas, released by Progene Research of Washington, are a semi-leafless,...
Advantage Ladino Clover Seed (Coated)Seeding Rate:1 lb. per Acre in pasture overseeding. When used for...
Aeschynomene Aka Deer Vetch Seeds: Variety: Americana UnHulled and Grown in Florida Aeschynomene is a warm-season...
AlfaBar Alfalfa Blend is an exciting combination of Barenbrug’s top 3 alfalfa varieties. It is...
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Alfagraze 455TQ RR Alfalfa Seed Purchase of this product requires a Monsanto number. Please provide...
Alfagraze Roundup Ready Alfalfa Seed Purchase of this product requires a Monsanto number. Please provide...
Alfalfa Seed (Medicago sativa) Alfalfa is a cool season perennial legume living from three to twelve years,...
Alfalfa Seed for Food Plots Alfalfa is a cool season perennial legume living from three to...
Alsike Clover Seed Trifolium hybridum L. Alsike clover is used for hay, pasture, and soil...
Alyce Clover Seed ( Alysicarpus vaginalis ) Plant Rate 20 Lbs. per Acre. Plant: Spring...
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Ameristand 403T Winter Hardy Alfalfa Features: High resistance to phoma crown rot, the “Traffic Disease”...
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Ameristand 455TQ RR Alfalfa Seed Purchase of this product requires a Monsanto number. Please provide...
Ameristand 803T Southern Alfalfa Ameristand 803T is pre-inoculated, grown in Southern US states, and possesses...
Wildlife Food Plot / Cattle Forage Seeding Rate: 15 Lbs. per Acre Planting Depth: 1/4...
Wildlife Food Plot / Cattle Forage Seeding Rate: 15 Lbs. per AcrePlanting Depth: 1/4 to 1/2 inchType:...
Appin Turnip Seed Appin Turnips are an annual crop with high digestibility and a greater proportion...
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Arriba 2 Alfalfa Seed (Certified) Plant 25 lbs. per acre for best results. Depth: 1/4 inch. Soil:...
Austrian Winter Pea Seeds Austrian winter peas are a cool-season annual legume that can produce a...
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Ball Clover - Great for Honey Bees Ball Clover is a cool season clover...
Barley Seeds (Hordeum vulgare L) Ours barley seeds are raw untreated and Non-GMO. Barley seed is...
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Common Name: Bicolor Lespedeza, Shrubby Lespedeza Scientific Name: Lespedeza bicolor Identification: Bicolor Lespedeza is a...
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Berseem clover - Trifolium alexandrinum L. Seeding Rate 20 Lbs Plants 1 Acre. Plant No...
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Winter Bulbs is a great diverse food plot offering, inspired by the proven success of our...
Birdsfoot Trefoil Uses Forage: Birdsfoot trefoil is used as a high quality, non-bloating legume for...
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Blackhawk Arrowleaf Clover Seed Wildlife Food Plot / Cattle Forage Blackhawk Arrowleaf Clover was...
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Sweet Blue Lupine Seed Note: This item will begin shipping in mid-August. Type: Cool season...
Bob Oats Oats are a nutritious feed for all classes of livestock and wildlife as...
Bonar Rape Seed Bonar Rape Seed is a late maturing, high-yield brassica that can be used in...
Bonus Teff Grass Bonus Teff is an annual, fine-stemmed, warm season grass that can be...
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Bronson Endophyte Free Forage Fescue Bronson exhibits the toughness that you have come to expect...
Browntop Millet | Florida Grown Scientific Name: (Urochloa ramosa = Brachiaria ramosa = Panicum ramosum)...
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For a good alternative click here Buck Forage Chicory The Nutrition Plot Buck Forage Chicory...
Deer prefer Buck Forage Oats to any other small grain. We challenge you to plant...
Buckwheat Seeds (Fagopyrum esculentum) Seeding Rate: 40-50 Lbs per acre; 3 Lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.Seed...
Bulldog 805 Alfalfa Seed - Certified Seed Bulldog 805 Alfalfa is a dual purpose Alfalfa...
Bulldog Annual Ryegrass Seed Annual ryegrass is a cool-season grass that can be used...
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California Ladino CloverLadino clover is a large-leaf, perennial forage legume species that is higher in...
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Catjang Pea Seeds Catjang peas, also known as Oklahoma Game Bird Cowpeas, are a warm...
PLANTING: Rate: 15 lbs./acre drilled or broadcast. Depth: Plant no deeper than 1/8 inch. Date:...
Chufa Seed (Cyperus esculentus) Our chufa seeds are all natural untreated and Non-GMO. Chufa are great for...
Coker 227 Oats Seed A good fall and winter food source for deer and other...
Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum) is one of the most colorful forage plants and is frequently...
SeedRanch Crown Vetch Seed Creeping, spreading growth habit Compound leaves with 15...
Seasons/Availability Daikon is available year round with fall and winter crops offering the best flavor....
Dalkeith Excellent Pasture Clover Key Features • Early season maturity – 97 days to flowering...
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Apologies, this product is discontinued... Deer Mineral Salt 25 Lbs Contains only natural major mineral...
Defiance (Aphid Tolerant) Sorghum Typical 3-way sorghum Sudangrass hybrid with added resistant to Sugarcane aphid. Sugarcane...