Nisus Bora-Care Introduction Now there is a “green” solution to protecting your structures from termites....
Syngenta Advion Cockroach Bait Gel Key Product Features: Complete spectrum pest control Targets even gel...
Martin's Gopher Bait 50 Strychnine Strychnine Treated Grain Bait Strychnine treated grain bait for...
Gentrol IGR Concentrate features an active ingredient that translocates from treated areas to locations that...
BotaniGard 22 WP Biological Insecticide Wettable PowderBotaniGard Mycoinsecticide is an effective biological insecticide that is...
PT Alpine Flea & Bed Bug Pressurized Insecticide With quicker knockdown, longer-lasting control, and better...
Precor 2000 Plus Flea Insecticide Spray Precor 2000 Plus is an insecticide used to kill...
Safari 20 SG InsecticideSafari Insecticide, a super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown, controls a...
Arena 0.25G Granular Insecticide Arena 0.25 G Insecticide is a broad spectrum insecticide, for...
Avid 0.15 Miticide Insecticide Unsurpassed protection against mites and leafminers Mode of action: Stimulates the...
Southern Ag - Triple Action Neem Oil Insecticide, Fungicide & Miticide GENERAL INFORMATION: Stops powdery mildew...
To control pests indoors and outdoors on residential, institutional, public, commercial, and industrial buildings, greenhouses,...
Dekko Silverfish Paks Dekko packs are an economic and easy way to control silverfish. Silverfish simply eat...
Termidor SC Termiticide + Insecticide Active Ingredients: Fipronil 9.1% One gallon of contains 0.8lb of Fipronil....
Martin's Surrender Fire Ant Killer Insecticide Surrender is an insecticide for control of pests in...
Pyrethrin Concentrate Insecticide made from a relative of chrysanthemum controls insects on vegetables, on...
Caravan G Granular Insecticide Fungicide Caravan G controls more than 20 turfgrass diseases...
Topchoice Granular Insecticide Apply Topchoice Insecticide to control Imported Fire Ants in turf grass...
Demon WP insecticide is a wettable powder formulation containing cypermethrin, known for its strength, speed...
Merit 0.5G Insecticide Granules Merit provides the industry's longest-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use...
Marathon 1% G Insecticide Marathon 1% G is a highly-active insecticide that demonstrates systemic...
Safari 20 SG Insecticide Safari Insecticide, a super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown, controls...
Bifen XTS Insecticide ▪ Provides long residual activity for improved pest control ▪ Fast-acting synthetic...
SuffOil-X Spray Oil Emulsion Insecticide Spray Oil Emulsion Fungicide, Insecticide and Miticide SuffOil-x controls...
Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait Extinguish Plus is highly attractive to fire ants. It combines...
Timbor Professional Insecticide & Fungicide Tim-bor Professional is one of America's most popular pest control...
Timbor Professional Insecticide and Fungicide Tim-bor Professional is one of America's most popular pest...
Talstar P Insecticide For decades, PMPs have made Talstar® their number one trusted brand of...
Taurus Termiticide & Insecticide Taurus SC is a termiticide and insecticide for pre- and post-construction termite...
Demon Max Insecticide Demon MAX is a tried-and-true general pest control product as well as...
Liqua-Tox II Water Soluble Liquid Bait Pesticide Liqua-Tox II is a liquid concentrate rodenticide...
Thuricide BT Caterpillar Control Biological Insecticide Controls worms and caterpillars on fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and shade...
Termidor Foam Termiticide Insecticide Termidor Foam is a ready-to-use insecticide formulation. When dispensed, the formulation...
Conserve SC Specialty Insect Control Spinosad 11.6% Conserve SC uniquely combines the efficacy of synthetic insecticides...
Dylox 6.2 Granular Insecticide DYLOX provides fast-acting control of surface-feeding and soil insects, including...
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Carbaryl 5% Dust Insecticide Controls many insects in vegetable gardens & ornamentals Use in...
Floramite SC Ornamental Miticide Floramite SC|LS is effective for the control of a variety...
Permethrin SFR Termiticide/Insecticide Permethrin SFR is a broad-use, professsional strength termiticide/insecticide labeled for both...
Bifen Insecticide Termiticide Bifenthrin 7.9% Bifen controls a wide range of listed pests on flowers,...
Bayer Suspend SC Suspend SC is an advanced-generation pyrethroid that fights more than 50 pests....
Bifen XTS Insecticide ▪ Provides long residual activity for improved pest control ▪ Fast-acting synthetic...
Termidor HE High Efficiency Termiticide Termidor HE termiticide cuts time and labor to make your work...
Carbaryl 4L insecticide is for use in Agriculture, Commercial and Residential sites. Effectively controls a wide...
Aloft LC Granular Insecticide Aloft LC G is a broad-spectrum, long-lasting contact and systemic insecticide...
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Essentria IC-3 Insecticide Concentrate Broad-spectrum, 25(b) insecticide made from all natural compounds approved for indoor...
Tengard Permethrin SFR Termiticide | Insecticide Permethrin SFR is a broad-use, professsional strength termiticide/insecticide labeled for...
Talstar P Insecticide For decades, PMPs have made Talstar® their number one trusted brand of...
Southern Ag - Triple Action Neem Oil Insecticide, Fungicide & Miticide GENERAL INFORMATION: Stops powdery mildew...
Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide is a selective insecticide which should have...