Nimitz Pro G is a phenomenal nematicide that offers unparalleled reductions in Lance, Sting, Root Knot and Lesion nematodes (among others) as well as remarkable gains in root length and weight creating visibly healthier turf.
Fluensulfone, the active ingredient in Nimitz Pro G will not interfere with other scheduled treatment programs including fungicide rotational efforts and does not persist so long as to create a negative impact on the environment.
Simplicity in Application
University Proven
Nimitz Pro G has been extensively studied by university and independent turfgrass researchers since 2008. Nimitz Pro G reduces nematode populations and allows your turf to recover. Following a Nimitz Pro G application turf begins to recover by developing robust root systems, increased turf color, better turf quality, increased leaf density and overall greater plant health.
Nimitz Pro G has the signal word of CAUTION allowing turfgrass professionals to avoid public hazard and complex application requirements like those associated with fumigant nematicides. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements are simple requiring only a long-sleeve shirt, long pants, shoes plus socks and chemical resistant gloves for all common turfgrass applications.
Organic Turf Bionematicide - Zelto Zelto turf protection promotes turf health by protecting roots from the...