Zelto turf protection promotes turf health by protecting roots from the ground up.
It is a biological nematicide for control of plant parasitic nematodes and soil dwelling pests. It has a novel bacteria-based (non-living) active with true nematicidal activity against eggs, juveniles and adult nematodes.
Targeted Nematodes: Sting, Ring, Stubby Root, Lance, Root Knot, And many more...
ZELTO can be used on greens, fairways, roughs and tee complexes.
Initial application: 2 gallons per acre. Sequential applications: Additional treatments at 4-week intervals at 1 gallon per acre.
Hydrophobic soils: Use in combination with a premium soil surfactant. Zelto can be used on greens, fairways, roughs and tee complexes.
Nimitz Pro G is a phenomenal nematicide that offers unparalleled reductions in Lance, Sting, Root Knot...