Received product in timely fashion.
Sold Out $15.95
Scientific Name : Axonopus
Carpetgrass (Axonopus affinis) is a creeping, stoloniferous, perennial warm season grass. It is characterized by flat, two-edged runners or stolons; by wide leaves with blunt, rounded tips and by long, slender seedstalks that terminate with two branches, very similar to crabgrass. Stolons are flat, widely branched and root at each node.
From the sandy soils of East Texas to Florida and north to Virginia, Alabama and Arkansas, carpetgrass is found in fields, woods, along roadsides, pastures and lawns.
Also known as flatgrass, Louisianagrass and as "petit gazon" by the Creoles of Louisiana, carpetgrass is native to the Gulf Coast states and other tropical climates. It is a creeping, perennial grass that can be recognized by the blunt rounded tips of its leaves, flat stolons and a tall seedstalk with two branches at the apex. It forms a dense mat and will crowd out most other species.
Received the seeds and planted them as soon as I got them and now I am waiting to see if they will sprout. I am in Georgia and it is still quite warm here, so I am hoping that they will come up. Fingers are crossed.
Fine so far.
Good value and arrived very quickly
For over $65, I received two SMALL bags of grass seed appearing to be the size of a very tiny bag of chips and yet, they aren't even completely filled. We've not opened them yet and may return both.
I ordered some seed that showed up two days ago. Today they asked me to do a review. Here it is.
Shipping was great and product appears to be just what I wanted. Will need to wait for germination to say anything else.
But hopefully soon we wil be planting soon I will let know how it grows. But didn’t lose too many seed let know need package a little better
Very satisfied with the product and fast delivery.
Excellent turnaround time. Haven’t planted yet. Waiting for spring.
Scientific Name : Axonopus Carpetgrass (Axonopus affinis) is a creeping, stoloniferous, perennial warm season grass....