Fruit Plants

Fig Tree

Dewar Nursery

Fig Tree


Figs are relatively low maintenance, thrives in a variety of climates, and can even provide shade and privacy to your outdoor space. They are a great source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamins A and K. The taste of figs is all honey-like sweetness with a subtle hint of berry.


Note: Variety selection is not an option. We select based on availability and what best suits your zone.


  • Chicago Hardy (Zones 5-10)
  • Celeste (Zones 6-9)
  • Olympian (Zones 6-10)
  • White Marseilles (Zones 6-11)
  • Brown Turkey, GE Neri, Kadota, Magnolia + Violette de Bordeaux (Zones 7-9)
  • Beer’s Black + LSU Purple (Zones 7-10)


Fig trees prefer 7-8 hours of full sun during the growing season. These plants require well-drained soil with lots of organic matter. In areas with dry climates, water fig trees deeply at least once a week. Once established, figs can be very drought-tolerant.


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  • S
    Sandy Dawes S. D. Sandy D.


    As a child in a military family, I recall one rental we lived in that had an old garden in it with fruit trees and an asparagus bed. Amongst the old pear trees was a lonely fig tree that was in my quiet space. I loved is fragrance and want to recreate that memory again for myself. It arrived in all its glory to bring back those moments as a young person, along with a couple of olive trees to make my new happy place. All are ensconced in my sunroom til summer arrives. Thank you for such great customer service. Sandy Dawes

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Category: Fig Plant

Type: Tree

Brand: Dewar Nursery

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