Post-Emergent Herbicide Catalog

Revolver Post Emergent Herbicide - 1 Quart

Envue Turf & Ornamental

Revolver Post Emergent Herbicide


Revolver Herbicide is a post-emergent sulfonylurea herbicide for application as a foliar spray. Revolver Herbicide is intended for professional use on golf course turf, sports fields, commercial lawns, cemeteries, parks, campsites, recreational areas, home lawns, roadsides, school grounds, and sod farms to control cool season grasses and weeds from tolerant grasses.

It may be used to remove cool-season grasses from bermudagrass greens, tee boxes, collars and approaches surrounding bermudagrass greens. Results are quick; generally apparent within one to two weeks.

Containing the new sulfonylurea active ingredient, foramsulfuron, Revolver is a post-emergent herbicide that selectively removes cool-season grasses from warm-season grasses

AI: 2.34% Foramsulfuron


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