
Macho 2F (Montana 2F Alternative) Insecticide - 1 Gal.

Rotam North America Inc.

Montana 2F Insecticide

Montana 2F is a 21.4% Imidacloprid is a systemic insecticide that is labeled for use on many field and vegetable crops, citrus, cucurbits, tree, bush, vine crops and tropical fruits.

Controls: Aphids, Colorado potato Beetle, Leafhoppers, Flea Beetle, Leafminer, Whiteflies, Thrips and Mealybugs, there is suppression of scales on certain fruits.

Application: Can be applied as a broadcast or directed spray as well as a soil application.

You can use similar Imidacloprids, such as Dominion, Merit, Zenith and Lada for turf and ornamentals, use the Montana 2F for your citrus and vegetable crops.

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