Lesco Shade Area Grass Seed Mix
Shade Area Lawn Grass Seed Mix is formulated to provide a maximum level of tolerance to limited sunlight. The fine fescues are recognized to be the most shade tolerant of the cool season turf grasses exhibiting improved disease resistance and darker green color.
Shade Mix is recommended for areas with 25-65 percent reduced sunlight (at least four hours a day is recommended), and Shade Mix will also provide good turf in areas of shade to sun transition. Shade Mix is not traffic tolerant.
Directions - Recommended Seeding Rates:
New Establishment: 4-5 lbs/1000 sq ft Renovation 20-50 percent existing cover 3 to 4 lbs/1000 sq ft 50 to 75 percent existing cover 2 to 3 lbs/1000 sq ft
Recommended Maintenance Practices: Shade Mix responds best to a moderate fertility program. Fall application of 75 percent of the annual fertilization is preferred. Avoid fertilizer applications during the summer. Preferred mowing height is 2-3 inches. Remove fallen leaves (from overhead trees) in the fall to avoid thinning of turf. Turf Establishment
Guidelines: Adequate seed bed preparation is important in new turf grass establishment as well as in over seeding. Check soil pH and apply a Starter Fertilizer prior to seeding. Seed at recommended rate. Cool season grasses germinate best in the 60 to 85 F (16 to 30 C) soil temperature range. Frequent light irrigation and/or seed starter mulch is required for optimum germination.
Germination should be visible within 21 days; complete turf establishment will take three to six months.