Rye Grain

FL 104 Winter Rye Grain Seed - 50 Lbs.

Seed World USA

FL104 Rye is a great choice early for season pasture or for a highly competitive cover crop.  This outstanding cultivar was co-developed by the University of Florida and the University of Georgia.  FL104 has outstanding winter growth and good regrown when grazed or mowed before it goes into a reproductive stage.  It works well when planted alone or in mixes in both pasture and cover crop situations. Cereal Rye is the best cool-season cereal cover crop for absorbing unused soil N.  Rye smothers weeds with its rapid establishment and nutrient uptake.  It can suppress pests, reduce erosion & runoff, add large amounts of organic matter, reduce disease pressure, and improve soil structure.  FL104 is widely adapted and does well on a variety of soil types.  FL104 was developed with more rust and disease resistance than Merced rye, has shown to produce more biomass and FL104 flowers later than Merced Rye allowing a longer a grazing period or widow for incorporation.  It should planted in the spring in the coldest parts of the United States, It can be planted in the fall, winter or spring in the rest of the country.

  • Outstanding rapid growth early Pasture 
  • More rust and disease resistance than Merced Rye
  • Later to flower than Merced Rye
  • Rapid establishment to suppress weeds & prevent erosion
  • Excellent at capturing residual nutrients with a significant reduction in nitrate leaching (control N tie-up by timing of incorporation)
  • Can be a key component of a water plan
  • Can add large amounts of organic matter
  • Also available in mixes
  • FL104 is a proprietary variety co-developed by the University of Florida and the University of Georgia

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  • a
    argenta A. argenta


    Your service is outstanding. I ordered four bags of grass. Three arrived and I notified the shipping company and your office. I was told the fourth bag was damaged in shipping. The day after that the bag arrived with no damage so I texted your company that all four bags had arrived. Your company however shipped a new bag which arrived undamaged.. so I now have 5 bags of seed that I will use but have only paid for four. Please text me bill for the fifth bag and the shipping cost so I can send you a check. Thank you

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