Scientific Name: Paspalum vaginatum
Seashore Paspalum Informational Page
Seashore paspalum is known for its good wear tolerance and high salt tolerance. Seashore paspalum is mostly used on golf courses situated in warm seasoned areas, but is also gaining popularity on sports fields and personal lawns.
Seeding Rates
The recommended seeding rate is 1 to 2 lbs per 1,000 sq. ft.
Planting Time
The best time to seed is late spring through mid-summer; fall plantings are not recommended except in warm climates where seeding can be done year-round. The ideal germination temperatures are 80° to 95°F (27°-35°C). Mulch or a seed blanket can be used to improve the moisture retention of the seedbed.
Growth Habit and Characteristics:
Performance Characteristics and Adaptations: