Hibiscus Plant - 1 Gallon

Dewar Nursery

Hibiscus Plant


Hibiscus is native to warm-temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions around the world. Flowers are large, trumpet-shaped with 5 or more petals that may either be white, pink, red, orange, purple, or yellow. Teas derived from hibiscuses are popular drinks worldwide and contain vitamin C and minerals. The plant has also been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.


Provide hibiscus with at least 6 hours of sunlight. Although warm, humid conditions are ideal for tropical hibiscus, you may want to provide a little afternoon shade when it’s overly hot. Make sure that the soil used offers excellent drainage. When hibiscus are in their blooming stage and during warm weather, they require large amounts of water. We recommend protecting hibiscus from temperatures 33°F and below. Hardiness zones range from 9-11.

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  • S
    Sara Love S. L. Sara L.

    Never Recieved

    I've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of these plants for my garden but per the tracking number it's never made it's way of Odessa, FL. Could you please resend and expedite the shipping?

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Category: Hibiscus Plant

Type: Plant

Brand: Dewar Nursery

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