Whitetail Institute Seed

Imperial Whitetail Sunn Hemp Seed - 7 Lbs.

Whitetail Institute

Sunn Hemp is a rapid establishing legume that when grown as a summer annual can produce over 5,000 pounds of biomass and over 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre. Food plotters only need 8 to 12 weeks of frost-free growth conditions to receive these results. Plant when soil temps reach 65 degrees. Sunn Hemp is adapted to a wide range of soils, but it grows best on well-drained soils with a pH from 5.5 to 7.5. It provides the benefits of a cover crop such as erosion control, soil improvement, plus suppression of root-knot nematodes. Sunn Hemp is an excellent summer rotation crop following a fall/winter brassica food plot such as Winter-Greens, Beets & Greens, Tall Tine Tubers or even Pure Attraction. Under proper soil conditions and adequate rainfall, Sunn Hemp can reach 8-12 feet in southern regions and 4-6 feet in the northern regions of the US. Sunn Hemp is also Arrest Max approved!


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