Coastal Bermuda Grass Seed (Alternative) - 1 Lb.


Coastal Bermuda Alternative (Giant Bermuda).

*You are Buying Giant Bermuda Grass Seeds (Raw + Hulled)

Giant Bermuda is similar in appearance to the popular hybrid Coastal Bermuda. It has the same erect and giant growth and vigorous spreading habits associated with Coastal. There is one major difference in that Coastal Bermuda does not seed, but the Giant variety does (Often also called NK37 Giant). Giant Bermudagrass grows tall enough to cut for hay, even on low fertility soils.

At a Yuma Arizona trial, measurements showed an average of 30 inches in height compared to 14-16 inches for common on same type soils. Four to Five cuttings a year are possible with Giant with Nitrogen a key factor in total tonnage production. With proper management a cutting or grazing can be made as early as 50 days after seeding the field. Giant is a perennial grass that is alkali and heat tolerant.
Planting Information For Giant Bermuda Grass Seed

Planting Rate For Giant Bermuda Grass Seed Pastures

  • 7-15 lbs / Acre of pure hulled seed.

Adapted to: Southern portions of USA.

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  • E
    Emily Morrison E. M. Emily M.

    Seeds arrived in great shape

    Seeds arrived in great shape, just waiting for the late freeze to be over in Texas so I can plant

  • R
    Raul Cruz R. C. Raul C.

    Good stuff

    I planted this in February since we had a mild winter here in the far south. It came up thick and lush. It grows very quickly and the cattle seem to love it. I will be purchasing more as I only bought a pound to test it out.

  • W
    Wayne Waggoner W. W. Wayne W.

    Time to plant

    Excellent quality and fast service!

  • R
    Robert C Hambrick R. C. H. Robert C. H.

    Great fast service

    Coastal Bermuda Grass Seed (Alternative) - 1 Lb.

  • D
    David Schenk D. S. David S.

    It wasn't what I ordered

    You did not send what I ordered you sent me a different kind of grass seed I ordered Coastal you did not send that you sent a different Bermuda I ordered Tipton 44 you sent me a different Bermuda so no I don't give you a good grade

  • C
    Claude Heuring C. H. Claude H.

    Claude Heuring

    I received giant Bermuda seeds. Wanted the Coastal Bermuda seeds. Are they the same. I want to order 40 LB more.

  • R
    Roy Anderson R. A. Roy A.

    Coastal seed

    We received the seed but won’t sow until March.

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