Miracle Gro Palm Tree Plant Food Fertilizer - 20 Lbs.

Miracle Gro

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Miracle-Gro Palm Tree Food

15 feedings in every bag, feeds up to 6 weeks. Contains Magnesium, Iron, and Manganese to help produce deep green, faster growing foliage.Slow release nitrogen pregents over feeding and burning.

Apply plant food evenly onto soil. Apply dry, do not pre-mix with water. Apply within the spread of the palm's fronds/branches (within the drip line), being careful to avoid contact with the trunk. Shake on the equivalent of 1/2 cup per 4 sq.ft. For best resutls, work into top 1-3 inches of soil or mulch, then water to start the feeding process.

20 Lbs. feeds up to 1,330 sq.ft. See product label for full details on how much to apply and rates of use.

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  • P
    Peter B. P. B. Peter B.


    It was hard for me to find, but well worth the effort. It really perked up my palms.

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