Professional Turf Grass Seed Catalog

Nexus XR - Extra Resistant Perennial Ryegrass Seed - 50

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Nexus XR Perennial Ryegrass Seed

Seeding Rate: Lbs. / 1000 sq. ft.
Home Lawns 5-8 Lbs.
Althletic Fields 9-15 Lbs.
Greens 25-35 Lbs.
Tees 9-15 Lbs.
Fairways 225-350 Lbs.

NEXUS XR turf-type perennial ryegrass is one of the latest breeding developments in perennial ryegrass which achieves the ability to provide very dark green turf, exceptional traffic tolerance and improved disease resistance. This combination of deep, dark-green, dense turf and extra disease resistance makes NEXUS XR ideal for use on fairways, athletic fields, home lawns, high traffic areas, and other locations where high quality, dark turf is desired. NEXUS XR is also perfect for adding dark brilliant color to a bluegrass or tall fescue mixture, as well as great for blending with grasses.

Extra Traffic Tolerance
Many turf applications have extra pressure from wheel or foot traffic, as well as disease pressure. With NEXUS XR, you can expect fairway-quality turfgrass that can withstand the extra pressure. Data from multiple locations throughout the states indicates that NEXUS XR has what it takes to handle the stress of heavy traffic. In fact, in Mead, Nebraska, NEXUS XR was the top scoring variety during the middle of the summer (Aug-Sept.), in trials that applied 8-12 passes a week with a wheeled golf traffic simulator.

Disease Resistance and Other Strengths
Additionally, NEXUS XR provides improved resistance to a wide variety of diseases and other stresses, including winter temperatures, hot temperature brown patch, red thread, pythium blight, pink and other snow mold, and anthracnose. NEXUS XR has also shown good resistance to weed and poa annua pressure, as well as tolerance to the herbicide Velocity (bispyribac-sodium.)

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