Herbicides And Weed Killers

X-Out Herbicide - 1 Quart (Roundup Alternative)

Seed World

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Prime Source X - Out Herbicide is an excellent non-selective, post-emergent herbicide that effectively controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and grasses and a great alternative to glyphosate. A foliar-active material that contains glufosinate ammonium as its active ingredient which ensures crop safety since it affects only the part where it is applied. It offers twice the strength of Finale Herbicide. The Prime Source X - Out Herbicide is a post-emergent herbicide with a water-soluble formula, making it great for tank mixing together with pre-emergent herbicides including oxadiazon, prodiamine, and oryzalin. An alternative solution to unwanted weed and grass problems but it contains glufosinate. It is proven to be fast-acting, offering visible results within 2 to 4 hours compared to glyphosate herbicide. Features low use rates and little to no soil residual plus, it offers lesser translocation to maintain clear boundaries around fields and turfs. Ideal for use in landscape areas, roadsides, golf courses, fence rows, industrial areas, railways, schools, and utility rights-of-way. Proven to be long-lasting and rainfast for four hours. May also be a pre-plant treatment for greenhouses, turfs, and ornamentals. For best results, it is highly advisable to not cultivate from 5 days before an application up to 7 days after the application. High humidity with warm temperature and sunlight helps improve its performance.

Available Sizes:

  • Prime Source X - Out Herbicide – Quart
  • Prime Source X - Out Herbicide – Gallon
  • Prime Source X - Out Herbicide – 2.5 Gallon

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Category: X - Out Herbicide

Type: Herbicide

Brand: Seed World

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