2,4-D Amine controls many broadleaf weeds and brush control in corn, soybeans (pre-plant), small grains,...
Acclaim Extra Herbicide Acclaim Extra is a post-emergent herbicide most known for its reliability to...
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Acreage Pro Large Property Lawn Weed Killer Acreage Pro delivers proven performance formulated especially for...
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Acreage Pro Large Property Lawn Weed Killer Acreage Pro delivers proven performance formulated especially for...
Alligare 2,4-D Amine Selective Weed Killer Alligare 2,4-D Amine controls many broadleaf weeds and...
Aquathol K Liquid Aquatic Herbicide Aquathol K is a versatile, effective aquatic herbicide containing...
Aquathol K Liquid Aquatic Herbicide Aquathol K is a versatile, effective aquatic herbicide containing 40.3%...
Aquathol Super K Granulated Aquatic Herbicide Aquathol Super K is a concentrated, granulated formulation containing...
Atrazine 4L Herbicide May be applied before or after weeds emerge. Tank...
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Atrazine St. Augustine Weed Killer One quart treats approximately 3,700 sq. ft. of listed grasses;...
Auguzine Atrazine Weed Killer Auguzine™ is a herbicide for the control of both emerged weeds...
Balan Herbicide Crabgrass Preventer Balan Granular Herbicide provides preemergent control of crabgrass and other listed annual...
Bayer Prograss 1.5 EC Herbicide Prograss EC provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua...
Biathlon Ornamental Herbicide Biathlon is a pre-emergent granular herbicide for control of weeds in field...
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AXXE Organic Herbicide By BioSafe BioSafe AXXE Weed Control is an organic herbicidal soap providing...
Ground Force Vegetation Killer kills all plant life, roots, and everything else. Prevents new growth...
Broadloom Sedge Control Herbicide (Basagran Alternative) A postemergence Herbicide for residential and small area use to...
Casoron 4G Pre A pre-emergent herbicide that easily handles many troublesome weeds in and around...
Casoron 4G Fine 16-30 Mesh Herbicide25lbA pre-emergent herbicide which easily handles many troublesome weeds in...
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Catt Plex Cattail Control Aquatic Herbicide Catt Plex is a glyphosate-based herbicide that eliminates shore...
ClearGraze Triclopyr Fluroxypyr Herbicide Active Ingredients: Triclopyr 45.07%, Fluroxypyr 15.56% CLEARGRAZE Pasture Herbicide is a...
CLOPYRALID 3 Broadleaf weed and woody brush control in non-cropland areas, forest sites and other...
Dicamba +- 2,4-D DMA is for use on conservation reserve program land, fallow systems (between...
Dimension 2EW Herbicide Dimension specialty herbicide is the leading turf and ornamental herbicide providing pre-...
Alligare DIQUAT HERBICIDE Active Ingredient: Diquat Dibromide 37.3% Diquat aquatic herbicide is a fast-acting, non-selective herbicide...
Dismiss South Herbicide is a selective post emergence herbicide which controls annual grasses, broadleaf weeds...
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Finale HerbicideFinale herbicide gives you fast, effective control of a broad spectrum of emerged annual...
Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide Fusilade II herbicide is a selective post-emergent turf and...
Gly Star Plus is a post-emergent, systemic herbicide which contains 4 pounds per gallon of...
Glypex4 Glyphosate Herbicide contains a very high percentage (41%) of..... glyphosate. It is a non-selective,...
Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control Herbicide Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control combines oxadiazon and bensulide for season-long preemergent control of crabgrass...
Killzall Aquatic Herbicide Non-selective weed and grass killer labeled for use in aquatic and other...
Algae can quickly become a major problem for any pond or lake. Not only can...
Imox Herbicide - 12.1% Imazamox - 1 Quart (Beyond, Raptor, Clearcast Alternative) Imox Herbicide is...
Pendulum 3.8 AquaCap Herbicide Capsule Suspension Pendulum AquaCap herbicide is a water-based formulation in an...
The industry standard in weed control Provides exceptional value in broadleaf weed control Time-honored, reliable...
LV400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent FreeGordon's LV 400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent Free kills weeds...
LV400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent FreeGordon's LV 400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent Free kills weeds...
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LV400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent FreeGordon's LV 400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent Free kills weeds...
Meso 4SC Mesotrione Herbicide Active Ingredient: Mesotrione - 40% A selective, systemic herbicide that features...
MOJAVE 70 EG Mojave 70 EG provides complete burndown and residual bareground vegetation control on...
Monument 75WG is the premier warm-season turfgrass herbicide for residential lawns, commercial turf, sports fields, golf...
Nu Film P Spreader Sticker Adjuvant Nu Film P is a superior spreader sticker adjuvant...
Residual Control that Lasts – Now in a Convenient Liquid Formula New from Nufarm, liquid...
Ortho Weed B Gon Weed Killer Herbicide for St. Augustine Grass Ortho Weed B...
Panoramic 2SL controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses such as leafy spurge and...
Pendulum 2G Herbicide Granular pre-emergent herbicide for use in turf grass, ornamentals, landscape or grounds...
Pendulum 2G Herbicide Granular pre-emergent herbicide for use in turf grass, ornamentals, landscape or grounds...
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Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide Emulsifiable Concentrate Pendulum is a pre-emergent broad spectrum herbicide that not...
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For a great alternative click here! Poa Constrictor Herbicide An herbicide intended for use on...