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& Tick Killer Granules
& Yellow Jacket
a borate powder
A broad spectrum non-neonicotiniod alternative
Abamectin 0.15 EC Miticide Insecticide (Avid Alternative)
Abamectin Insecticide
Acelepryn Insecticide
Acephate 90% Insecticide Prills - 5 lbs.
Acephate 97UP Insecticide
Acephate Insecticide
acrobat ants
Active ingredient Lambda-cyhalothrin
Active Ingredient Pyrethrin
Active Ingredient: Cypermethrin
Active ingredient: 20% Indoxacarb
Active Ingredient: Chlorpyrifos
Active Ingredient: Indoxacarb.
Active Ingredient: Lambda-cyhalothrin
Active ingredient: Thiamethoxam
Active Ingredient:Indoxacarb.
Active ingredients: Azoxystrobin .31%
Active Ingredients: Indoxacarb
Active Ingredients:2-(1-methyl-2-(4-phenoxy-phenoxy) ethoxy)pyridine...1.3%
Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo w/ Precor
Admire Pro Systemic Protectant Insecticide
Adonis 75 WSP
Advance 360A Ant Bait Stations
Advance 375A Select Granular Ant Bait
Adviator Fly Bait Aerosol
Advion Ant Bait Arena
Advion Cockroach Bait
Advion Cockroach Bait Arena - 60 x 0.07 Oz. Stations
Advion Cockroach Bait Arena Insecticide Stations
Advion ensures control of fire ants in 24-72 hours
Advion Evolution Cockroach Gel Bait Insecticide
Advion Insect Granular Bait
Advion Insect Granules- 4 Lbs.
Advion WDG (Arilon) Granular Insecticide
AI: 25.0% thiamethoxam.
AI: cyromazine.
AI: Lambda-cyhalothrin
Akari Insecticide
Aloft Insecticide
Alpine Cockroach Gel Bait
Alpine D Dust Insecticide
Alpine WSG Insecticide
Amdro Fire Ant Bait Kills the Queen
AMDRO Fire Ant Bait/Killer Yard Treatment - 5 Lbs.
Amdro Quick Kill Lawn Insect Killer
Ancora Microbial Insecticide
and Brown Banded roaches
and certain psyllids
and darkling beetles
and Flower Concentrate
and fungus
and manhole covers and cavities
and more
and other major insects inside the home
and sports and/or athletic fields
and stands
and transportation equipment.
and turf
and whiteflies
Animal Repellent
Ant Bait
application into refuse containers
applied to metal
Approved for use indoors and outdoors
Arena 0.25 G Insecticide
Arena 50 WDG Granular Insecticide
Arilon Insecticide
as directed by the product label
Asian Cockroaches
attracts super-sweet eating ants instantly
Avert DF Cockroach Bait
Avid can be tank-mixed with many other products.
AzaGuard Botanical Insecticide
Azatin O Organic IGR
Azera Gardening Insecticide
BASF Pyrethrum TR Insecticide
Bed Bug Control
Bed bugs
BedBug X Insecticide - 32 Fl oz.
bedding plants
Beethoven TR Total Release Miticide / Insecticide
beetles and many others
Bengal Bed Bug & Flea Killer Spray
Bengal Carpenter Bee & Ant Killer
Bengal Crawling Insect Killer
Bengal Flea & Tick Fogger
Bengal Flying Insect Killer Spray
Bengal Foaming Wasp & Hornet Killer - 16oz - Jet Spray
Bengal Full Season Flea Killer Plus
Bengal Insecticide & Growth Regulator Concentrate
Bengal Insecticide Concentrate
Bengal Non-Conductive Wasp & Hornet Killer
Bengal Roach & Flea Fogger
Bengal Roach Spray
Bengal Termite Killing Concentrate
Bengal Yard & Patio Mosquito Fogger
Bifen I/T Insecticide Termiticide
Bifen XTS
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Oil Spray RTU
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray
Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray RTS
Bonide Annual Grub Beater Insecticide
Bonide Annual Tree & Shrub Insect Control Insecticide
Bonide Ant
Bonide Ant Killer Granules
Bonide Bedbug Killer Spray RTU Insecticide
Bonide Bon-Neem RTU Spray
Bonide Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Garden Dust
Bonide Colorado Potato Beetle Beater Concentrate Insecticide
Bonide Dual Action Bedbug Killer Aerosol Insecticide
Bonide Dual Action Bedbug Killer RTU
Bonide Eight Garden & Home RTU Insect Control
Bonide Eight Insect Control Granules Insecticide
Bonide Eight Vegetable
Bonide Eight Yard & Garden Spray RTS
Bonide Go Away Deer & Rabbit Repellent RTU
Bonide Insect & Feed (Phase 3)
Bonide Insect & Grub Control Insecticide
Bonide Malathion Insect Control Insecticide Concentrate
Bonide Mosquito Beater Flying Insect Fog Insecticide
Bonide Mosquito Beater RTS Insecticide
Bonide Mosquito Beater WSP Insecticide
Bonide Mosquito Beater Yard Fogger
Bonide Multi-Purpose Insecticidal Soap RTU
Bonide Revenge Ant Bait Stations
Bonide Revenge Ant Killer Dust
Bonide Revenge Ant Killer Granules
Bonide Revenge Bedbug & Insect Room Fogger
Bonide Revenge Bedbug Killer Spray RTU Insecticide
Bonide Revenge Dual Action Bedbug Killer RTU
Bonide Revenge Moth Traps
Bonide Revenge Refullable Mouse Bait Station
Bonide Revenge Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer
Bonide Revenge Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer RTU
Bonide Revenge Total Release Flea Fogger
Bonide Revenge Wasp & Hornet Killer
Bonide Rose Rx 3 In 1 Insecticide Concentrate
Bonide Rose Shield Insecticide RTU
Bonide Spider Killer RTU Insecticide
Bonide Stinger Wasp
Bonide System Insect Spray Insecticide RTS
Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insect Control Insecticide
Bonide Systemic Insect Control Insecticide Concentrate
Bora-Care Termiticide Fungicide
BotaniGard 22 WP Insecticide
BotaniGard Maxx Insecticide
Broad spectrum
broad spectrum contact inseticide
Bug & Slug Killer
Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew
Carbaryl 5% Dust Insecticide
Carpenter Ant Bait
carpenter bees
carpenter bees and ants
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide
chocolate moths
Christmas trees
CimeXa Insecticide Dust
Citrus Fruit and Nut Orchard Spray Insecticide Concentate
Cobweb Eliminator
commercial and industrial facilities
commercial and inudstial buildings
Conserve SC
Contrac All-Weather Blox Rat and Mouse Bait
control of both insect pests and diseases
control of sweet-eating ants
control of various insect pests including Ants
control of white grubs
Control Solutions
Controlled release
controls Dipterous leafminers
controls over 90 target insects
corm and tuber crops
crazy ant
Crosscheck PL Insecticide - 25 lbs.
CrossFire Aerosol Pesticide
CrossFire Bedbug Concentrate
cut flower and pot plants
cut flowers
Cyanarox Insecticide Bait
Cyper TC Insecticide Termiticide
Demand CS and Archer Pack
Demon WP
difficult ant
dipterous leafminers
Drexel Carbaryl 4L
Dust Insecticide
dust mites and flea larvae; a treatment for attic insulation; a general pest prevention for new construction
dust or in a liquid solution
dvanced-generation pyrethroid
Dylox 420 SL Insecticide
Dylox 6.2 Granular Insecticide
easy placement behind stoves
Effective on both chewing and sucking pests.
effective on both hard and soft body insects.
emon takes command of roaches
Endeavor Insecticide - 15 oz.
EndZone Insecticide Stickers
Enstar AQ Insect Growth Regulator
EPA Reg. No.: 100-1111
Epishield Miticide Insecticide
Essentria All Purpose Insect Concentrate
Essentria IC Pro Insecticide Concentrate
EverGreen Pro 60-6 Insecticide
EverGreen Pyrethrum Concentrate Insecticide
Exhalt WDG Insect Growth Regulator
Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait
Fastrac Soft Bait
Features a highly attractant
Fendona CS Insecticide
Fertilome Rose & Flower Food w/ Systemic Insecticide
field and container grown nurseries
Final Soft Bait
Fire Ant Bait
Fire Ant Killer
Fire Ant Killer Insecticide Granules
fire ants
fire ants and beetles
Flea & Tick Control
floor drains
flowable microencapsulated concentrate
flowering hanging baskets
Fly bait
foam expands
for applications to maintain outdoor areas where turf and ornamental ground covers are grown such as residential landscapes areas and non-residential landscapes around institutional
For control of insects on ornamental plants
For control of listed pets: including cockroaches
For indoor and outdoor control of structure-invading ants
for organic gardeners.
For subterranean termite control
For systemic control of white grubs and other listed pests infecting landscape
For use by commercial applicators in
Forbid 4F Ornamental Insecticide Miticide
Fruit Fly Trap
fungal decay and wood destroying insects
Fungicide & Miticide
fungicide and wood preservative
fungus gnats and shore flies in production ornamentals
garden centers
Gemsei Garlic Insecticide
Golden Malrin Muscamone Fly Bait
golf courses
golf courses and athletic fields
Granular Bait
grime builds-up including under equipment
Grub Control
guarantees compatibility with every insecticide tested on the market
Hachi Hachi SC Insecticide
Hexygon IQ Miticide
homogenous formulation
Hot Shot No-Pest Strip2
ideal solution for hard-to-kill garden pests
Iguana Rid RTU Spray Bottle
Imidacloprid 75 WSP
Imidacloprid Insecticide
ImidaStar 2L T&O Insecticide
In the state of New York
including food-handling establishments
including lawns and landscape uses
including mole crickets
Indoor Outdoor
Inhibidor Pour On Insecticide
inorganic borate salt with insecticidal and fungicidal properties
Insect Growth Regulator
Insecticide Foam
insecticide to create a thick foam
insects on ornamental plants
inside cabinets and in other hard-to-reach places.
interior plantscapes and sod farms.
is the only member of its class of chemistry
It can be used as a broadcast treatment
Just One Bite Ex Bait Blocks Rodenticide
Just One Bite II Bait Chunks Rodenticide
Kaput Mole Gel Bait
Kaput-D Gopher Bait (Wheat)
kill ants
Kills ants
kills cockroaches
Kills Quickly
LADA 2F Imidacloprid
lady bugs
lawns in residential
lepidopterous larvae
Lice Ban
Liqua-Tox II Water Soluble Liquid Bait Pesticide
Liquid Ant Bait
listed pests infesting landscape and recreational turfgrass (including golf courses) as well as landscape ornamentals
Litter Beetles
Lucid Miticide Insecticide Abamectin Avid Alternative
Lucid Miticide/Insecticide (Abamectin) (generic Avid) - 1 Qt
M-Pede Insecticidal Soap
Made from Pyrethrins and Azadiracthtin
Magnetic Roach Bait
Malathion Oil
Mallet 0.5 G Insecticide
Marathon 1% G Insecticide
Martin's Gopher Bait 50 Strychnine
Martin's Surrender Fire Ant Killer Insecticide
Martins Permethrin 10% Insecticide
Mavrik Aquaflow Insecticide Miticide
Maxforce Complete Brand Granular Insect Bait
Maxforce Complete Granular Insect Bait
Maxforce Plunger
Maxforce Quantum Ant Bait
Merit 0.5G Insecticide
Merit 2F
Merit 2F Insecticide
Merit 75 WSP
mildew and fungus
Mildew Killer
Mineiro 2F Flex
Mineral Oil
Minx 2 Miticide Insecticide
moisture-resistant bait
Mole cricket bait
Molt-X Insect Growth Regulator
Molt-X® Insect Growth Regulator - 1 Gallon
Montana 2F Insecticide
Montana 4F Imidacloprid Insecticide - 1 Gallon (Midash Forte)
Mosquito control
Mosquito dunks
Mosquito Repellent
most effective fire ant bait
most effective fire ant bait available today
MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait Insecticide
Multipak offers the powerful combination
Mycotrol WPO Mycoinsecticie - 1 lb
Natural pest control
Neem Oil
New construction preventative for roaches and drywood termites.
Niban bait
no odor
no scissors needed to open
non-staining formulation maintains its integrity for extended periods.
odorless powder
odorless wettable powder
office and shopping complexes
Oil Insecticide
OMRI Listed
on and around building and structures for the control of listed pests
on and around buildings and structures for the control of listed pests
Optigard Ant Bait Gel
or as a spot treatment on insect harborage areas outdoors.
Orange Oil
organic gardening
Organic pest control
Organicide Fly-Not
Organicide Fly-Not RTU Spray
ornamental bulb
Orthene PCO Insecticide Pellets
Orthene TTO 97 Insecticide
Orthene Turf Tree Ornamental 97 Spray
Ortho BugClear Insect Killer
Ortho Fire Ant Killer Mound Bait
Ortho Flower Fruit & Vegetable Insect Killer Concentrate
Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer
oughest cockroaches such as German
Overture 35 WP Insecticide
painted surfaces
palatable to moles and gophers
Palm Fertilizer
palmetto bugs
parks recreational areas
perimeter pest insects
perimeter treatment
Permectrin II Premises Spray
Permethrin 13.3% Insecticide
Permethrin SFR
Pest control
PFR-97 20% WDG Microbial Insecticide
Phantom Termiticide Insecticide
Phantom Termiticide Insecticide - 21 Oz.
Pivot 10
Pivot Ultra Plus IGR
potted flowering plants and ornamentals
Preloaded disposable bait station
Prime Source's Imidacloprid 2F Termiticide/Insecticide
Protecta EVO Express Bait Station
provides 80 finished gallons of solution
provides turf managers with an unprecedented degree of control and application flexibility
PT 221L Insecticide
PT 565 Plus XLO Pressurized Contact Insecticide
PT Alpine
PT Alpine Foam Insecticide
PT Alpine Insecticide
PT Alpine Pressurized Fly Bait
PT Clear Zone III insecticide
PT Fedona Insecticide
PT P.I. Pressurized Contact Insecticide
PT Phantom II Insecticide
PT Pro Control Formula 2
PT Pro-Control Plus Insecticide
PT Wasp-Freeze II Insecticide
public and industrial situations.
public and institutional landscaped areas
purpose of this application is to kill workers or winged reproductive forms of termites which are present at the time of treatment
PyGanic Gardening Insecticide
PyGanic Livestock and Poultry Insecticide - 1 Qt.
Pylon Miticide Insecticide - 1 Pint
Pylon TR Total Release Miticide Insecticide
Pyrethrin Concentrate Botanical Insecticide
Quickstrike Fly Bait
Ramik Bars for Rats and Mice
Ramik Green Rodenticide Bait Packs
Rango Neem Oil Insecticide Fungicide Miticide - 2.5 Gallons
Rapid movement into the leaf and consequently minimal impact to beneficial insects.
Rat killer
Rat Poison
recreational areas and athletic fields
reduced need for watering-in after application
results in extended residual control of up to 8-12 weeks
Revenge Home Pest Control Concentrate
Revenge Invisible Ant & Roach Gel Bait
Rodentex Prefilled Mouse Bait Station
Rotation 2 Cockroach Bait
Safari 20 SG
Scimitar GC Insecticide - 1 Quart
Selontra Rodent Bait
Sevin Concentrate
Sevin Dust Insecticide
Sevin Insect Killer Zeta-Cypermethrin Concentrate
Sevin Lawn Insecticide
Sevin SL
Sevin SL alternative
Shockwave 1 Pyrethrum and Bifenthrin Insecticide
Shockwave Fogging Concentrate
Shuttle O Miticide
Siesta Fire Ant Bait
Silverfish Paks
Sirocco Miticide Insecticide
Sluggo Insecticide
Smoky Brown
Snail & Slug Bait
snap off design
so it performs like no other insecticide
Specifically targets mites and leafminers in ornamentals
Spectra X CS insecticide - 32 oz
Spectra X GP insecticide - 8 oz.
Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer Insecticide Ready To Use
Spider X Insecticide - 32 oz.
Spiders in domestic
Spinosad Insect Control
Spot treatment for ants other than fire ants
spotted wing drosophila
stink bugs
subterranean or dry wood termites or listed ants
SuffOil-X Spray Oil Emulsion Insecticide
Surrender Fire Ant Bait
Surrender insect killer
Suspend SC
Talak 7.9% Insecticide
Talon-G Rodenticide Bait Pack Mini-Pellets
Talstar Insecticide
Talstar XTRA
Tame 2.4 EC Insecticide
Taurus SC Termiticide Insecticide
Tempo SC Ultra
Tengard One Shot Permethrin SFR Insecticide Termiticide - 1 Qt
Termidor Foam
Termidor SC
Termidor SC Termiticide Insecticide
the active ingredient
The fastest acting
Thiamethoxam .22%
this product may only be applied for indoor uses
Thuricide BT Concentrate Insecticide
Thuricide BT Insecticide Spray RTU - 1 Qt
Tigris Imida 4F
Tigris Imida 4F Imidacloprid Insecticide - 1 Gallon
Timbor Professional Insecticide and Fungicide
Timectin 0.15 EC
Tip and Pour
to kill ants
Tobacco Moths
Tomcat Mole & Gopher Bait
translocation throughout the plant when applied to the soil
transportable into wall voids
treatment for wood
treatment within residential buildings
tree ants
trees and shrubs
Trelona Bait
Tri-Die Pyrethrin Dust
Triact 70 Insecticide/Miticide - 2.5 Gallons
Trilogy Fungicide
Triple Action Neem Oil Fungicide
Triple Action Neem Oil Insecticide
turf and ornamentals.
Turf Insecticide
two of the most effective botanical insecticides used by organic gardeners
Ultra Boss Permethrin Insecticide
Ultra Saber Insecticide
under furniture
use in greenhouses
Use indoors and outdoors
used against insect pests
used indoors and outdoors to control ants
Vendetta Plus Cockroach Gel Bait - 4 x 30 g
Warrior II
Wasp and Hornet
water soluble
Web Out eliminator
wood boring beetles
yellowjackets & Hornets
Zenith 75 WSP
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