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Dallis Grass Seed for Pastures Perennial Scientific Name Paspalum dilatatum Seeding Rate 15-20 Lbs....
AU Grazer, is the first grazing-tolerant sericea lespedeza released by Auburn University. It is persists...
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First Editions Double Mint Gardenia Plant Fill your garden with the heavenly fragrance of...
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Proven Winners Center Stage Crape Myrtle Plant Looking for a crape myrtle that doesn’t...
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Proven Winners Center Stage Crape Myrtle Plant Looking for a crape myrtle that doesn’t...
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Soursop Fruit Plant The fruit of the soursop has a spiny outer skin with...
Unfortunately, due to the cold weather the fertilizer has started to harden. Since this is...
INSECT KILLER - This pest control is great for use on beetles, fruit flies, caterpillars,...
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Carbaryl 5% Dust Insecticide Controls many insects in vegetable gardens & ornamentals Use in...
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Dragon Fruit Plant Dragon Fruit - Vietnamese Jaina Variety: Vietnamese Jaina The dragon fruit, also...
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First Editions Magic Crape Myrtle The highly regarded Magic series from First Editions® is a...
FLEE Plus IGR for Cats FLEE Plus IGR for cats contains Fipronil, which is the...
For a good alternative click here Grubs Away Insecticide Grubs Away can be used for...
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Kiwi Fruit Plant Kiwi is a compact, deciduous climber that produces tasty, smooth-skinned, attractive...
For use on turf and ornamentals and non-bearing fruit and nut trees in nursery and...
Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide with Daconil Same active ingredient as Bravo used in agriculture...
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Miracle Fruit Tree The miracle fruit, also known as Sysepalum dulcificum, is a plant...
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Chlorpyrifos 1% Mole Cricket Bait This product is used for control of mole crickets and...
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Mole Cricket Bait For vegetables, flowers, fruits, ornamental plants, and lawns. Controls cutworms, armyworms, field...
Neogen Ramik Refillable Bait Station Ramik refillable mouse bait station. Easy to use and child resistant....
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Planting Persist Orchard Grass Seed Seeding Rate Seed Persist at 18-20 lbs per acre for...
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Rio is a top-rated seeded Bermuda grass variety in many key areas of turf performance...
Southern Ag Snail and Slug Bait Snail & Slug Bait is a controlled release soil...
Southern Ag Snail and Slug Bait Snail & Slug Bait is a controlled release soil...
Covers twice as much Sq Ft as Roundup Pro Concentrate Surmise Pro is a...
AI: Abamectin B1. This product is for use only as a spot or crack and...
Whistler Winter Peas Whistler Winter Peas, released by Progene Research of Washington, are a semi-leafless,...
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Zebra Plant Succulent (Haworthia Aristata) Light: Bright light, but not direct sunlight. These grow in...
Loft's L-93 (L93 creeping bentgrass) Legendary performance from a Jacklin creeping bentgrass Loft’s L-93 Creeping...
Loft's L-93 (L93 creeping bentgrass) Legendary performance from a Jacklin creeping bentgrass Loft’s L-93 Creeping...
Loft's L-93 (L93 creeping bentgrass) Legendary performance from a Jacklin creeping bentgrass Loft’s L-93 Creeping...
Loft's L-93 (L93 creeping bentgrass) Legendary performance from a Jacklin creeping bentgrass Loft’s L-93 Creeping...
Special dual-action formula - kills insects and prevents new infestations for 12 months. PLUS provides...
Protects for 12 months plus feeds. Kills insects and new infestations. Provides slow release feeding....
Southern Ag 16-3-16 Soluble Fertilizer Southern Ag 16-3-16 is a high nitrate soluble fertilizer for...
Pasture Special 16-4-8 Fertilizer. Apply this pasture-safe fertilizer in spring and fall to established pastures. ...
2,4-D Amine controls many broadleaf weeds and brush control in corn, soybeans (pre-plant), small grains,...
AI: 0.22% Imidacloprid. Fertilizer analysis: 6-9-6. 5 lb size protects and feeds up to 40...
Chlorpyrifos 2.5% Granular Insecticide For professional use only This product provides control of various insects...
Southern Ag 20-10-20 Nitrate Special Fertilizer Southern Ag 20-10-20 is a nitrate special soluble fertilizer...
Southern Ag 20-20-20 Soluble Fertilizer Southern Ag 20-20-20 is a soluble fertilizer with minor elements...
Southern Ag 20-20-20 Soluble Fertilizer with Dye Southern Ag 20-20-20 is a soluble fertilizer with...
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Southern Ag 21-5-20 Soluble Fertilizer Southern Ag 21-5-20 is an all purpose water soluble fertilizer...
Southern lawns: specially formulated for southern lawns 6-Month protection: prevents broad lead, grassy weeds, and...
Southern lawns: specially formulated for southern lawns 6-Month protection: prevents broad lead, grassy weeds, and...
3336 DG Lite Turf and Ornamental Fungicide 3336 DG Lite is a broad-spectrum fungicide...
3336 EG Turf and Ornamental Fungicide For Turf and Ornamental Applications For the prevention...
3336 F Turf & Ornamental Fungicide 3336 F fungicide sets the standard in thiophanate-methyl...
3336 F Turf & Ornamental Fungicide 3336 F fungicide sets the standard in thiophanate-methyl...
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4-Speed® XT herbicide provides fast, effective post-emergent control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds...