White Dutch clover seed
Haven’t had a chance to plant it yet but my order was processed and delivered quickly.
Many homeowners include White Dutch Clover in their lawn seed mixture because clover sprouts fast and grows so dependably that it's a valuable aid in getting a new lawn started.
Nodules on the roots fix nitrogen from the air. Actually, up to 1/3 the nitrogen your lawn needs can be obtained from white dutch clover!
Grows vigorously even in poor clay subsoil around new home construction.
If you want all the benefits of a cover crop but don't want to till early or mow, clover is your best bet.
Getting a good stand of white clover is a first and critical step to success with this high quality, persistent crop.
Since white clover is usually grown with a cool season perennial grass (may be planted alone too), it is usually either seeded at the same time as the grass or seeded into an existing grass stand.
Seeding Rate
Seeding rates vary with geographic location, seeding method, and seeding mixture. In general, rates 1/4 lb per 1000 square feet or 6 to 8 lbs per acre are recommended.
Seeding Depth
The ideal seeding depth is approximately 1/4-inch maximum, but under favorable weather and soil conditions, seed present on the soil surface may germinate and become established. Good seed-soil contact is important to ensure rapid germination and emergence.
Seeding Time
In the Southern USA, white clover is seeded in late winter or early spring and in late-summerautumn. In the Northern USA, most white clover is seeded in early spring or late summer.
Seeding Method
White clover can be seeded by many no-till or minimum till techniques and by broadcast seeding. In conventional seedbeds, white clover is almost always seeded with a perennial grass for lawns or hard or sheeps fescue for erosion control. Just scatter the seeds, rake lightly, and keep the seed moist until it sprouts!
After sprouting occurs, cut back watering as root development starts taking place and less water is needed. Withstands mild drought, grows well all over the U.S., even on barren soil where nothing else wants to grow. Winter hardy and it stays so low you can just till it under in spring if you are using it for a cover crop.
The best weed control is provided by a vigorous white clover-grass stand. If necessary, white clover-grass stands can be mowed to remove grass leaves and seedheads and to suppress broadleaf weeds and woody vegetation.
Haven’t had a chance to plant it yet but my order was processed and delivered quickly.
Great Service Easy to use. I will be back.
Prompt well packaged delivery
The order was complete and definitely fast delivery. On the bag of the red clover seed, the label evidently was not on the bag like it should have been and the seeds were mostly in the big bag they had been put into. No worries because I was able to salvage most of the seeds into another Ziploc bag. Just thought you might want to be aware of the way the label was on the bag the seeds were in. Maybe there was a glitch on it or something. Thanks!
You haven’t shipped this yet,,,, Wish I had received it already. Appears my order will ship in total after you receive a back order to finish filling my order.
Received order quickly and in good shape. Waiting on weather conditions to sow seeds.
Have yet to plant but the ordering and payment and shipping was trouble free.
Received quickly, check back in 70 - 90 days to see if it grows
The packaging was torn in shipment. I have it sealed in a sealed freezer bag until I can use it. Do you think the seed will be ok even though the packaging was torn in shipping. I am waiting to have my land cleared for building. I will use clover for the yard and septic field. I can’t tell you anything about the product sinc I can’t use it yet.
Very easily maneuvered website, quick shipping!
Very Pleased
I ordered white Dutch clover as cover after an up coming logging that will happen in July. White Dutch clover spreads well and stays lower than other white clover, such as Ladina. It makes an excellent pollinator crop and does well under grazing pressure from sheep.Small but mighty.Adds tons of Nitrogen to the soil.
Inoculation may be defined as the process of adding effective bacteria to the host plant seed before planting. The purpose of inoculation is to make sure that there is enough of the correct type of bacteria present in the soil so that a successful legume-bacterial symbiosis is established.
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