Guava Tropical Pink Tree Plant Guavas are a tropical fruit native to Mexico, Central...
Tea Assamica Plant Camelia Sinensis Camelia sinensis is a hardy evergreen shrub that is probably...
Mulberry Plant Variety: Dwarf Everbearing (Zones 5-11) Mulberries are easy to grow, abundant,...
Fig Tree Figs are relatively low maintenance, thrives in a variety of climates, and...
Knock Out Double Red Roses Type: Shrub From the same cross that produced the...
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Miracle Fruit Tree The miracle fruit, also known as Sysepalum dulcificum, is a plant...
Knock Out Coral Rose Plant Type: Shrub The unique coral color is even stronger...
Olive Arbequina Plant This variety is revered as both a table olive – for...
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Dragon Fruit Plant Dragon Fruit - Vietnamese Jaina Variety: Vietnamese Jaina The dragon fruit, also...
Banana Dwarf Cavendish Tree This distinctive banana tree features large tropical foliage and produces...
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Soursop Fruit Plant The fruit of the soursop has a spiny outer skin with...
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Blueberry Bush Plant Grow your own harvest of blueberries! Enjoy showy spring flowers and...
Knock Out Sunny Rose Plant Type: Shrub This rose is one of the fragrant...
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Kiwi Fruit Plant Kiwi is a compact, deciduous climber that produces tasty, smooth-skinned, attractive...
Grape Vine Plant Grape growing is experiencing renewed popularity in home gardens! And why...
Bougainvillea Flower - 7 inch Plant Bougainvillea is a stunning flower that is a...
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Lavender Veranda Roses Lavender Veranda grows an abundance of glowing lilac blooms. The pointed buds...
Knock Out Double Pink Roses Type: Shrub A bright, bubble gum pink version of...
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Raspberry The raspberry is the fruit of a multitude of plant species in the genus...
Blackberry Bush Plant Homegrown blackberries possess a delicious flavor you just can’t buy from...
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First Editions Magic Crape Myrtle The highly regarded Magic series from First Editions® is a...
Drift Rose Pink Sweet Plant Type: Shrub Available in a range of bold colors,...
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Passion Fruit Plant Passion fruit is a vine species of passion flower that is native...
Knock Out Miniature Petite Rose Plant Type: MiniatureThe Petite Knock Out rose is the first...
Sweet Cocktail Tomato Plant The sweet cocktail tomato offers a uniquely compact plant with...
Endless Summer Hydrangea Floral Plant Endless Summer® collection – the world’s first hydrangea bred to...
Hibiscus Plant Hibiscus is native to warm-temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions around the world....
Croton Gold Dust Plant Grown for their fantastically marked leaves, crotons come in a...
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Duet Rose Tree Type: Tree The tree form of the multi-graft rose from the...
Cherry Barbados Plant These cherries are bright red in color and taste subtlety sweet....
Banana Blue Java Tree Get ready to indulge in the unique taste of the...
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Zebra Plant Succulent (Haworthia Aristata) Light: Bright light, but not direct sunlight. These grow in...
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Hosta Hostas are widely cultivated as shade-tolerant foliage plants. Individual flowers are usually long, with...
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Echeveria ‘Perle Von Nürnberg’ is a beautiful succulent that has interestingly colored acuminate leaves that are a...
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First Editions Sweet Tea Gardenia Plant Sweet Tea™ gardenia features double, tennis ball-sized flowers...
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Echeveria Gibbiflora Succulent Echeveria gibbiflora is a succulent with ruffled almost bluish leaves that blush...
Podocarpus (Plum Pine) A slow growing, evergreen shrub with soft, shiny, dark green, needle...
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Knock Out White Rose Newest edition to the Knock out rose collection. Slightly more heat...
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Bloomables Head Over Heels Pink Hibiscus Plant This hibiscus is known for its exceptionally...
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Pelee Mum Pelee mums range in color from yellow, to red, to orange. Grow to...
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Dracaena Marginata Marginatas come bicolored, which displays red, yellow, and green stripes. These plants can...
Bloomables Loropetalum Plant With dazzling flowers and deep, ruby-colored foliage, loropetalum adds year-round interest...
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Tulip The tulip is a perennial, bulbous plant in the lily family. Tulips are indigenous...
Calla Lily Plant Rely on calla lilies to add elegance to perennial gardens, cutting gardens,...
Begonia Plant Begonias brighten up shady areas with their colorful blooms. Once begonias start flowering,...
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Knock Out Rose Tree Type: Tree The Knock Out® rose tree has raised the...
Knock Out Single Red Rose Type: Shrub The original member of the Knock Out®...
First Editions Midnight Magic Crape Myrtle Plant The highly regarded Magic series from First...
Schefflera Arboricola Trinette Plant Trinette is a variegated variety of the umbrella plant with creamy...
Philodendron Plant The gorgeous and highly sought-after Pink Princess philodendron is at the top...