Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) are an important and versatile tool in the management of a wide range of horticultural crops. Plant growth regulators can be used to control growth rates, promote flowering, increase branching or thinning, delay the maturation of the fruit, and improve quality and yield. Plant growth regulators have been studied extensively to better understand their effect on plant development and physiology. Plant growth regulators have become an integral part of modern agriculture, playing an important role in crop production efficiency as well as providing a means for sustainable crop production. Plant growth regulators can help reduce labor input by increasing the speed at which plants reach maturity, promoting uniformity across plants within a species, and reducing losses due to pest damage or disease.
A-Rest Plant Growth Regulator A-Rest is a plant growth regulator which is used on container...
A-Rest Plant Growth Regulator A-Rest is a plant growth regulator which is used on container...
Altercel PGR Plant Growth Regulator Formerly Cycocel Altercel is among the most reliable and widely...
Anuew Plant Growth Regulator PGR, For Managing Growth, Improving Quality and Appearance of Turfgrass.Anuew Plant...
Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator Atrimmec is a growth retardant for use on hedges, shrubs, trees,...
Atrimmec Plant Growth Regulator Atrimmec is a growth retardant for use on hedges, shrubs, trees,...
B-Nine Plant Growth Regulator Water Soluble Granules B-Nine reduces stature in ornamental plants by reducing...
B-Nine Plant Growth Regulator Water Soluble Granules B-Nine reduces stature in ornamental plants by reducing...
Bonzi PGR Plant Growth Regulator The leading ornamental plant growth regulator (PGR) in the...
Bonzi PGR Plant Growth Regulator The leading ornamental plant growth regulator (PGR) in the...
Citadel Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator Citadel provides effective PGR activity on a broad range of...
Collate 2 Ethephon Plant Growth Regulator Rate of application: 500 ppm (2.7 fl. oz. in...
Concise Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator Use Guide Concise is an effective growth retardant for use...
Configure Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator Use rate: 50-3000 ppm (0.3-18 fl. oz./gallon of water); see...
Cutless 0.33 G Landscape/Ornamental Growth Regulator Use rate: 3.5-21 lbs./1000 sq. ft., depending on type...
Cutless 0.33 G Landscape/Ornamental Growth Regulator Use rate: 3.5-21 lbs./1000 sq. ft., depending on type...
Cutless MEC Turf Growth Regulator Cutless MEC is a foliar applied and root absorbed plant...
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Cycocel Plant Growth Regulator Rate of use: 0.217-3.25 fl. oz./gallon; see label for details ...
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Cycocel Plant Growth Regulator Rate of use: 0.217-3.25 fl. oz./gallon; see label for details ...
Dazide 85 WSG Plant Growth Regulator Dazide 85 WSG improves plant quality by: Producing a...
Fascination Plant Growth Regulator Fascination Plant Growth Regulator is an effective tool for more presentable,...
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This growth regulator stops the mess. Prevents fruit formation on apple, buckeye, carob, cottonwood, crabapple,...
Florgib 4L Generic ProGibb T&O PGR Florgib is an extremely potent plant growth regulator that...
Fresco Plant Growth Regulator Fresco is approved for reduction in lower leaf yellowing in Easter...
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For a great alternative click here Groom Turf Growth Management Active ingredient: Trinexapac-ethyl - 11.3% Groom...
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Paczol Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator Paczol is an extremely active plant growth regulator that can...
Piccolo 10 XC Plant Growth Regulator Piccolo 10 XC is a plant growth regulator for...
Piccolo Plant Growth Regulator Piccolo is a plant growth regulator for use on commercially...
Podium EC PGR reduces the frequency of mowing and the amount of grass clippings. Other...
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Pramaxis Turf Growth Management Active ingredient: Trinexapac-ethyl - 11.3% Pramaxis PGR is a microemulsion concentrate (MEC)...
Primo MAXX Plant Growth Regulator for the purpose of pre-stress conditioning, to prepare turfgrass for...
ProGibb T&O Plant Growth Regulator ProGibb T&O is an extremely active plant growth regulator. It...
Sumagic Plant Growth Regulator Sumagic Plant Growth Regulator is an effective growth retardant on a wide...
Micro-emulsion concentrate used to manage growth and improve quality and stress tolerance of warm- and...
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Topflor Granular Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator Topflor Granular contains the active ingredient flurprimidol, which effectively...
Topflor Granular Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator Topflor Plant Growth Regulator is for use on ornamental...
Topflor Granular Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator Topflor Plant Growth Regulator is for use on ornamental...
Trin-Pac Select is a plant growth regulator that slows the top growth of the plant....