Sold Out $233.00
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Agri-Mycin Streptomycin Fungicide 50 Agri-Mycin 50 brings the power of streptomycin in a new,...
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Bayer Chipco 26GT Fungicide 26GT is a broad-spectrum fungicide that provides unsurpassed control of a variety...
Fosetyl-Al 80 WDG Fungicide Water Dispersible Granular Fungicide Systemic mode of action providing long-lasting,...
Broad Spectrum and Systemic Disease Control for Turf and Ornamentals and a Flare Root-Injected Systemic...
This product provides broad spectrum disease control on containerized woody, flowering, herbaceous, and tropical foliage...
Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide Mefenoxam 2 AQ is an aqueous flowable fungicide for the control...
Sold Out $86.00
Mycoshield is a valuable tool to fruit disease management programs. It is used to control...
Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide Ridomil Gold SL is a systemic fungicide for use on selected...
Syngenta Renown Fungicide Renown is a broad-spectrum fungicide with contact and systemic, preventive and curative...
Systemic Fungicide RTS Generic Descriptor: Fungicide Product Features: Contains 1.55% Propiconazole. Prevents and controls major...
Terraclor 400 Ornamental Fungicide Terraclor 400 is an effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of...