Sold Out $243.00
Balansa Clover
Trifolium michelianum
BOLTA (Trifolium michelianum) is an annual temperate pasture legume that grows during the autumn, winter, and spring seasons.
A late maturing hard seeded Annual Clover, BOLTA is well suited to medium to high rainfall environments, demonstrating semi-erect growth when grown in a mixed sward situation, however, will remain prostate if grown as a pure sward or grazed.
Bolta can provide excellent herbage production (particularly in spring conditions) and was selected for its superior late season production when compared to Paradana. Enhanced establishment is possible due to the seed size of Bolta being 15-20% larger than Paradana, assisting improved seedling vigor.
Bolta is an exceptional pasture variety suited to heavy grazing, is highly digestible (14-18% crude protein), and can be used on its own or in a pasture mixture with companion species such as sub clovers, grasses or Lucerne, as well as providing the added benefit as a disease break whilst also fixing nitrogen.
Suited to medium to heavy soil types. Unsuited to poorly drained alkaline clay soils or deep infertile sands or soils with a high free lime content
Mixes 2 - 4kg/ha
Pure 4 - 6kg/ha Dryland
Pure 6 - 10kg/ha Irrigated
4.6 - 8.0 (CaCl2).
Group C Rhizobium