Tower Herbicide
A New Preemergent for Control of Tough Golf Course Turfgrass Weeds
Tower herbicide is a broad-spectrum preemergence herbicide with a new active ingredient, dimethenamid-p (DMTA-P), for use in golf course turfgrass and ornamental landscape management. Highly effective on many small-seeded broadleaf weeds, Tower also controls numerous grassy weeds, several annual sedges and yellow nutsedge. Tower controls susceptible weed species as an inhibitor of shoot formation and cell development. Application timings can take advantage of a wider use pattern with preemergence applications on hard-to-control species such as goosegrass, as well as broadleaf weeds such as spurges and doveweed.
Weeds Controlled
- Annual Bluegrass*
- Barnyardgrass
- Bittercress (Hairy)
- Carpetweed
- Crabgrass
- Cupgrass (Southwestern)
- Doveweed
- Eclipta
- Fall Panicum
- Florida Pusley
- Foxtails
- Goosegrass
- Nightshade spp.
- Nutsedge (Yellow*)
- Pigweed spp.
- Ryegrass (Italian)
- Sandbur (Field)
- Shepherdspurse
- Sedges (Annual)
- Signalgrass (Broadleaf)
- Spurge spp.
- Willowherb
*Denotes partial control or suppression only of the weed.
Rate of use: Between 0.48 - 0.73 fl. oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Active Ingredients: dimethenamid-P - 63.9%
Product Label