TransAm Intermediate Ryegrass Seed - 1 Lb.

Pick Seed

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TransAm (tested as Pick 66B-08) has been tested extensively in overseeded turf trials in Texas and Arizona. TransAm is an excellent blend partner with other perennial ryegrasses such as Express II, NightSky and Fiesta 4 in the popular Futura 2500 blend. Alone, you can use TransAm as a short - lived nursegrass in the North, and an elite overseeding grass in the south. It has good salt tolerance, and is recommended for areas using effluent water.

TransAm is highly recommended for use in overseeding southern golf course fairways and roughs. Winter performance is similar to good varieties of perennial ryegrass. Use it alone or as a 20 - 40% component blended with perennial ryegrass. It is also excellent for overseeding sports fields.

TransAm germinates faster than perennial ryegrasses, particularly in cooler conditions. PICKSEED recommends a seeding rate of 10 - 15 lbs. / 1000 sq. ft. in the north. For overseeded southern golf course roughs, 10 - 20 lbs. of TransAm / 1000 sq. ft. gives best results. In normal circumstances, you can expect germination in 4 - 6 days.

Manage TransAm in the same manner as perennial ryegrass. It will establish more quickly in the fall under cooler conditions than perennial ryegrass.


TransAm has been bred to disappear smoothly and quickly in the late spring as bermudagrass is ready to grow. When blended with perennial rye, the TransAm will exit first, opening up the turf canopy to sunlight which benefits bermudagrass, allowing it to green up and grow

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