Suspend Polyzone Suspend Polyzone features a proprietary polymer layer that protects the active ingredient from...
CoreTect Tree and Shrub Tablets Use rate: 2-3 tablets per inch of trunk diameter or...
Maxforce Fly Spot Bait Maxforce Fly Spot Bait provides an unobtrusive way to control house...
Merit 0.5G Insecticide Granules Merit provides the industry's longest-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use...
Bayer Tempo Ultra WP Quick broad-spectrum control of more than 100 nuisance pests! Immediate knockdown...
Temprid FX Temprid FX combines the fast-acting, broad-spectrum control of beta-cyfluthrin with the systemic residual control...
Temprid FX Temprid FX combines the fast-acting, broad-spectrum control of beta-cyfluthrin with the systemic residual control...
Temprid FX Temprid FX combines the fast-acting, broad-spectrum control of beta-cyfluthrin with the systemic residual control...
Temprid SC Temprid SC combines the fast-acting, broad-spectrum control of beta-cyfluthrin with the systemic residual control...
Temprid ReadySpray uses the proven performance of Temprid SC with bag-on-valve technology to deliver immediate...