Fertilizer Catalog

Verdanta Organic 8-0-8 VitalSource Fertilizer - 40 Lbs.

Bioworks Inc.

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Verdanta Organic 8-0-8 VitalSouce Fertilizer 

A homogeneous, granular, compound fertilizer with a unique combination of both readily available and long-lasting organic nutrients; produces an immediate response as well as sustained growth of turfgrass. Potassium content provides better resistance to wear and drought stress with extra magnesium and iron for a lasting deeper green grass color.

Organically-bound nutrients are gradually released by soil microbes for 60 - 100 days, matching turfgrass needs. Continuous growth, with less leaching losses and withough growth surges. Low in odor and dust and easy to apply with all professional application equipment.   Usage: Exact rate of Organic VitalSource 8-0-8 depends on the needs of the turfgrass, the time of application, and the nutritional reserve in the soil. Begin applicaitons in the spring and repeat evey 60 days or as needed. Low Rate - 6.25 lb. per 1000 sq. ft. Medium Rate - 11.25 - 12.5 lb. per 1000 sq. ft. High Rate - 18.75 lb. per 1000 sq. ft.   Guaranteed Analysis: Nitrogen - 8% Soluble Potash - 8% Magnesium - 1.8% Iron - 0.1%

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