Caravan G Granular Insecticide Fungicide Caravan G controls more than 20 turfgrass diseases...
Chipco 26019 Flo Fungicide Chipco 26019 Flo is a foliar-applied fungicide recommended for turfgrass disease...
Daconil Zn Flowable Fungicide Daconil Zn provides excellent once-a-year disease control. It can be used...
Terrazole L is an effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of damping-off, root rot...
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Bayleton 50 WSP Turf and Ornamental Fungicide Bayleton 50 is a systemic (acropetal penetrant) fungicide...
Secure Fungicide Secure Action Fungicide Golf's leading fungicide, Secure, is now even better. Secure Action fungicide...
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Trinity 1.69 Fungicide Trinity fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide formulated as a suspension concentrate. The...
Enclave Flowable Fungicide Enclave is a patented, broad-spectrum fungicide that gives a powerful weapon in...
Bayer Chipco 26GT Fungicide 26GT is a broad-spectrum fungicide that provides unsurpassed control of a variety...
Headway G Fungicide Headway® G provides the effectiveness of a spray with the convenience of a...
Emerald Golf Course Fungicide Water Dispersable GranulesEmerald fungicide works differently than anything else you've seen used to...
Fosetyl-Al 80 WDG Fungicide Water Dispersible Granular Fungicide Systemic mode of action providing long-lasting,...
Heritage TL Fungicide Maximize disease protection from root to leaf tip. Choosing between control of...
Tartan Stressgard Fungicide Tartan Stressgard is a fungicide for the enhancement of greener and more...
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Trinity 1.69 Fungicide Trinity fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide formulated as a suspension concentrate. The...
Segway Fungicide Segway Fungicide is a flowable suspension concentrate for control of Pythium and Downy...
Endorse Wettable Powder Fungicide Endorse is a systemic, foliar-applied fungicide for use in controlling and...
Syngenta Renown Fungicide Renown is a broad-spectrum fungicide with contact and systemic, preventive and curative...