Balan Herbicide Crabgrass Preventer Balan Granular Herbicide provides preemergent control of crabgrass and other listed annual...
Bayer Prograss 1.5 EC Herbicide Prograss EC provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua...
Dimension 2EW Herbicide Dimension specialty herbicide is the leading turf and ornamental herbicide providing pre-...
Alligare DIQUAT HERBICIDE Active Ingredient: Diquat Dibromide 37.3% Diquat aquatic herbicide is a fast-acting, non-selective herbicide...
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Finale HerbicideFinale herbicide gives you fast, effective control of a broad spectrum of emerged annual...
Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control Herbicide Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control combines oxadiazon and bensulide for season-long preemergent control of crabgrass...
Nu Film P Spreader Sticker Adjuvant Nu Film P is a superior spreader sticker adjuvant...
Pendulum 2G Herbicide Granular pre-emergent herbicide for use in turf grass, ornamentals, landscape or grounds...
Pendulum 2G Herbicide Granular pre-emergent herbicide for use in turf grass, ornamentals, landscape or grounds...
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Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide Emulsifiable Concentrate Pendulum is a pre-emergent broad spectrum herbicide that not...
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For a great alternative click here! Poa Constrictor Herbicide An herbicide intended for use on...
Princep Liquid 4L Herbicide Princep 4L is a liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide that controls more...
Reward Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide With REWARD Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide, you never have to...
Rometsol MSM 60df Turf Herbicide Rometsol is an herbicide for selective weed and brush control...
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Ronstar 50 WSP Herbicide Ronstar 50 WSP is a pre-emergent herbicide for control of annual grasses...
Ronstar FLO Herbicide Ronstar FLO is a pre-emergent herbicide for the control of annual grasses...
Roundup 41% Glyphosate Herbicide Ranger Pro is a postemergence, systemic herbicide with no soil residual activity....
Only available for in store pick up. Call us to place to an order for...
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Rout Ornamental Herbicide Rout is and ornamental herbicide for pre-emergence control of weeds in a...
SePRO Sonar Q Aquatic Herbicide Sonar Q herbicide is a selective systemic aquatic herbicide for...
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Snapshot DG Pre-Emergent Herbicide Snapshot DG specialty herbicide is a preemergence product for control of...
Solitare Herbicide Dispersible Granule FormulationDual-action Solitare herbicide features a patent-pending, optimized combination of sulfentrazone and...
Southern Ag Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer Adjuvant Surfactant Southern Ag Spreader Sticker provides increased effectiveness...
Southern Ag Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer Adjuvant Surfactant Southern Ag Spreader Sticker provides increased effectiveness...
Southern Ag Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer Adjuvant Surfactant Southern Ag Spreader Sticker provides increased effectiveness...
Southern Ag Stump Remover Granules Speeds the natural decomposition of tree stumps by balancing the...
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Surflan XL 2G Herbicide Surflan XL 2G is a selective pre-emergent herbicide for control of...
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Tupersan Wettable Powder Herbicide Tupersan Herbicide Wettable Powder provides pre-emergent control of listed weeds in...