Avid 0.15 Miticide Insecticide Unsurpassed protection against mites and leafminers Mode of action: Stimulates the...
Marathon 60 WP Insecticide Water Soluble Packets Marathon 60 WP is a wettable powder...
Malathion 50% E.C. Gallon This product is 50% Malathion (4.4 Lbs./Gallon), a broad spectrum insecticide labeled...
Temprid FX Temprid FX combines the fast-acting, broad-spectrum control of beta-cyfluthrin with the systemic residual control...
Wisdom TC Flowable *Bifen IT Alternative* 1 Gallon Jug with 7.9% Bifenthrin Wisdom TC Flowable...
Ultra-Pure Oil Horticultural Insecticide, Miticide, and Fungicide Growers can use Ultra-Pure alone or within a...
EcoSafe Mosquito X Ultra Ultra concentrated. Ultra effective. This ultra concentrated mosquito control formula...
VIPER INSECTICIDE CONCENTRATE Product Features: Residual control of roaches, ants, silverfish, spiders and many other...
CoreTect Tree and Shrub Tablets Use rate: 2-3 tablets per inch of trunk diameter or...
Floramite SC/LS Ornamental Miticide Floramite SC/LS is effective for the control of a variety of...
Stryker Insecticide Concentrate Stryker is a multi-purpose concentrate insecticide that contains 6% pyrethrins and 60%...
Up-Star SC Insecticide Miticide Up-Star SC Insecticide/Miticide provides turf, lawn,and nursery care professionals with a...
Overture Insecticide Overture Insecticide contains the active ingredient pyridalyl, a new generation insecticide for use...
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SePRO Preferal Microbial Insecticide Preferal Microbial Insecticide is a naturally-occurring fungus that infects both foliage and...
Bedlam Bed Bug Spray Insecticide Bedlam Insecticide is a powerful aerosol designed to control bed...
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Dursban 50W Specialty Insecticide Must have a license to purchase this product. Please contact us...
Demand CS Insecticide For use in, on and around buildings and structures for the control...
Siesta Insecticide Fire Ant Bait Siesta is an insecticidal bait for fire ant control that...
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Advion Insect Granular BaitAdvion Insect granular bait with a MetaActive effect features a new bait...
A.I. 0.5% DinotefuranPackaged 30 g. reservoirsReduced risk* active ingredientAttractive: Both bait matrices appeal to gel...
Malathion 50% E.C. Pint This product is 50% Malathion (4.4 Lbs./Gallon), a broad spectrum insecticide...
PT PI Contact Insecticide Pyrethrin's Aerosol - 18 oz. provides quick knockdown and kill of...
Astro Permethrin Turf and Ornamental Insecticide Permethrin 36.8% Astro insecticide provides excellent control of borers,...
Cyper WSP Cyper WSP Insecticide - 4 x 9.5 g AI: 40% Cypermethrin. Cyper WSP...
I. G. Regulator Insect growth regulator inhibits re-infestation of fleas for up to seven months. Inhibits...
Permetrol Lawn Insecticide A lawn insecticide that controls many insect pests outdoors and around buildings...
Bayer Tempo Ultra WP Quick broad-spectrum control of more than 100 nuisance pests! Immediate knockdown...
Southern Ag Parafine Horticultural Natural Insecticide Oil For use on woody ornamentals, citrus, apples, and...
TriStar 8.5 SL Insecticide TriStar 8.5 SL is a fast-acting, broad-spectrum, IPM compatible insecticide with...
Temprid FX Temprid FX combines the fast-acting, broad-spectrum control of beta-cyfluthrin with the systemic residual control...
Designed to control pests indoors and outdoors on residential, institutional, public, commercial, and industrial buildings,...
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Zenith 2F Insecticide Prokoz Zenith 2F Insecticide can be used for the control of soil...
Aria Insecticide for AphidsAria insecticide is a water dispersible granular formulation with a unique mode...
Mallet 2F T&O Imidacloprid Insecticide Mallet is a systemic and foliar insecticide for control in...
LAWNSTAR BIFENTHRIN INSECTICIDE GRANULAR Controls pest found above and below the lawn surface including chinch...
LAWNSTAR BIFENTHRIN INSECTICIDE GRANULAR Controls pest found above and below the lawn surface including chinch...
Malathion 50% E.C. Quart This product is 50% Malathion (4.4 Lbs./Gallon), a broad spectrum insecticide...
Ardent 0.15 EC Miticide/Insecticide Ardent 0.15EC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 0.15 lb. abamectin per...
Precor IGR Concentrate Insecticide Methoprene - 1.2% Precor IGR Concentrate acts on the immature life...
Permetrol Lawn Insecticide A lawn insecticide that controls many insect pests outdoors and around buildings...
Malathion Oil Citrus & Ornamental Spray Malathion has two active ingredients for use on citrus,...
Formulation-Cypermethrin Advanced-generation pyrethroid provides excellent control at extremely low concentrations. An odorless wettable powder in...
OHP Adept 25W Insect Growth Regulator Adept IGR is an effective tool for controlling fungus,...
Malathion Oil Citrus & Ornamental Spray Malathion has two active ingredients for use on citrus,...
Southern Ag Parafine Horticultural Natural Insecticide Oil For use on woody ornamentals, citrus, apples, and...
For a good alternative click here Grubs Away Insecticide Grubs Away can be used for...
TetraSan 5 WDG Miticide/Ovicide TetraSan 5 WDG is a miticide that controls major tetranychid mite...
Permetrol Lawn Insecticide A lawn insecticide that controls many insect pests outdoors and around buildings...
Permetrol Lawn Insecticide A lawn insecticide that controls many insect pests outdoors and around buildings...
Arilon Granular Insecticide Pests often hide in hard-to-reach areas that can’t be treated with just...