
Advion Cockroach Bait Arena - 60 x 0.07 Oz. Stations


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Advion Cockroach Bait Arena Insecticide Stations


Advion cockroach bait arena is a high-performing product targeting all prevailing pest species of cockroaches including German (also gel bait-averse), American, Australian, Brown, Smoky brown, Oriental, Brown banded and Asian. It combines a highly attractive, proprietary gel formulation with a potent non-repellent active ingredient. Cockroaches cannot resist this superior combination and even the toughest populations are quickly controlled! 

The slight delay in cockroach mortality caused by the nonrepellent active ingredient, indoxacarb, allows cockroaches to consume the bait and return to their harborage site to contaminate other cockroaches. Research at Purdue University documents Advion cockroach gel bait as the first bait to prove tertiary kill. One cockroach exposed to Advion can carry it to another cockroach, which can then expose it to a third cockroach. This process unleashes a three-step chain reaction resulting in the control of up to 54 cockroaches.

Active ingredient:
Indoxacarb, 0.5%

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