Selective herbicides can be a useful tool in controlling the appearance of a lawn without damaging its desired species. When used responsibly and according to the manufacturer's instructions, selective herbicides can help maintain weed-free, healthy turfgrass with minimal effort. Care should be taken when selecting and using these products since over-spraying, or incorrect application may cause damage to desirable plants or have adverse effects on the environment. It is important to read labels carefully before use and only use as directed by the label instructions for optimal results. Additionally, it is important to select an appropriate product based on your area’s climate, soil type, and targeted weeds; specific products are designed to tackle different types of weeds while not harming certain grasses or other plants.
Bayer Prograss 1.5 EC Herbicide Prograss EC provides both pre- and post-emergent control of Poa annua...
Agristar CLETHODIM 2E Herbicide•Used to selectively control grasses in certain vegetables, alfalfa, peanuts, clover, potatoes,...
QuinKill Max Crabgrass and Weed Killer Herbicide QuinKill Max herbicide is a selective herbicide for...
SpeedZone Southern Turf Herbicide SpeedZone Southern Broadleaf Herbicide for Turf is formulated specifically for sensitive...
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Tribute Total Herbicide Tribute Total is a selective, post-emergent herbicide for the control of annual...
Marengo Herbicide is an exceptional formula that provides selective, residual control of hard-to-control annual weeds,...