Selective Herbicides

Bayer Revolver Herbicide - 87 Oz.


Bayer Revolver Selective Herbicide

Revolver Herbicide is a post-emergent sulfonylurea herbicide for application as a foliar spray. Revolver Herbicide is intended for professional use on golf course turf, sports fields, commercial lawns, cemeteries, parks, campsites, recreational areas, home lawns, roadsides, school grounds, and sod farms to control cool season grasses and weeds from tolerant grasses.

Product highlights:
  • Works quickly - even faster in warmer temperatures.
  • Post-emergent control of cool-season grasses in warm-season turf.
  • Goosegrass control and Dallis grass suppression.
  • Different mode of action for resistance management.
  • Labeled for use on listed Bermudagrass greens.
  • Easy mixing and application.
  • Low rates, cost-effective.
  • Apply as early as 7 days prior to overseeding.
Pests Controlled:
  • Bentgrass
  • Centipede Grass (Suppression)
  • Dallis Grass (Suppression)
  • Goose Grass
  • Kentucky Bluegrass
  • Poa annua
  • Poa trivalis
  • Ryegrass
  • Tall Fescue
(See product label for full list of pests)
  Rate of use: Revolver Herbicide should be applied at a rate of 0.1 to 0.8 ounces of product per 1000 sq. ft. Because Revolver Herbicide provides control of emerged weeds and has limited soil residual, sequential applications or residual tank mixtures may be required to control weeds emerging after application. Broadcast applications of Revolver Herbicide should not exceed a maximum of 1.25 ounces of product per 1000 sq. ft per use season. In case of spot treatments, do not apply more than 2 fl oz of Revolver Herbicide per 1000 sq ft and treat no more than 10,000 sq. ft per acre.   Active ingredient: Foramsulfuron - 2.34%

Product Label


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