MaxQ II Texoma Tall Fescue Forage Type Grass Seed - 25 lbs.


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MaxQ II Forage Type Tall Fescue Perennial Grass


• Produces no toxins - proven safe for all classes of grazing animals including pregnant mares 

• Provides abundant forage throughout the fall months into spring and early summer for all classes of grazing livestock including cattle, sheep and horses. 

• High quality, palatable forage - crude protein levels of 15-16% or more and total digestible nutrient content of 60% or higher with proper soil fertility and good management. 

• Persists like toxic tall fescue varieties 

• Provides significantly higher animal gains and conception rates compared to toxic fescue 

• Promotes better overall health – no fescue foot; no long hair coats; no sale barn discounts

RATE: 15- 20 lbs/acre in a prepared seedbed or 20-25 lbs/acre sod-seeded in stubble. 

DEPTH: 1/4" to 1/2". Planting too deep can result in poor stand emergence. 

DATE: Southern and Southeastern states: Sept.15 to Nov.1 South Central U.S.: Oct. 1 to Nov. 15 Mid-South, Midwest and Northeastern states: Aug. 15 to Oct. 1 or spring planted in March and April. 

FERTILIZATION: Lime to a pH of 6.0 - 6.5. Apply phosphorus and potassium according to soil tests. Use 25 - 35 lbs./A starter nitrogen. 

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