TifBlair can be planted anytime a new lawn can be prepared. However late summer planting (August 15 – November 1) is not advised due to inadequate time for establishment before winter. For best results plant in March or April, but quicker germination will occur May–July. TifBlair can be planted in the fall of the year after the soil temperatures are cold enough to prevent germination (typically after November 1). TifBlair seed will not germinate until the soil warms the following spring.


To determine the amount of seed to purchase, multiply the length of the your lawn in feet by the width in feet to determine the square feet (sq. ft.). Subtract area for sidewalks, driveways, and other areas that will not be planted. Plant TifBlair at a rate of ½ pound per 1,000 sq. ft. Higher seeding rates (up to 1lb. per 1000 sq.ft.) will produce a quicker grow-in and produce a more dense turf in a shorter amount of time. Using higher rates of seed is more cost-effective than trying to save money on “light” seeding rates, because more watering and weed control will be necessary with “light” rates.

PLANTING Establishing a beautiful and attractive lawn consists of six easy steps.

1. Remove loose debris, such as sticks, stones, and trash. Till and loosen soil to create a crumbly seedbed. Work in a 5-10-15 fertilizer at a rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 sq. ft. Centipede thrives in acidic soil. DO NOT LIME UNLESS SOIL TEST FOR A CENTIPEDE LAWN ADVISES YOU TO LIME.

2. To prepare seedbed, rake thoroughly and smooth the surface to provide a crumbly top layer that is ideal for sowing.

3. Sow the seed according to your spreader’s recommended rate. Divide seed into two equal portions. Sow in one direction east to west, then use second portion and sow north to south to insure uniform coverage.

4. Work seed into soil ¼ to ½ inch with the flexing rake. Roll yard smooth. Use straw as light mulch in areas of erosion concern. Mulch should be used lightly so that it does not shade young seedlings.

5. Most Important Step: Water thoroughly and frequently, but avoid creating puddles. Soil should be kept moist up to ½ inch deep until emergence of the seedlings. After seedling emergence water less frequently. Water only as needed after stand is established.

6. Mow frequently to control weeds once seedlings are established, taking care to never remove than 1/3 of the plant.


1. Cut existing lawn as close as possible or use Round-UpÒ to reduce vigor and competition from existing lawn.

2. Rake or scratch (aerify, scarify) the surface and remove debris.

3. Apply seed and water as described above.

*Round-Up is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company TifBlair Advantage Exceptional Late Season Color And Quality

In tests conducted in Alabama, Oklahoma and Georgia, TifBlair had equal or better turf quality than the other tested centipede varieties. The fact is, TifBlair produces more stolons with more leaves more quickly than common centipede. While TifBlair’s winter dormant color is similar to common centipede, its late season color retention is far superior to common centipede and a point better than both Oaklawn and Tenn Hardy.

Developed Especially For Low pH Soils Common centipede’s poor rooting characteristics have limited it to sites with good soil and water availability. TifBlair, on the other hand, is an ideal choice for construction sites with eroded, low pH soils such as those routinely found in the southeastern coastal plains, piedmont and mountain regions. The chart below clearly demonstrates TifBlair’s ability for aggressive growth in both low and high pH soils.

Comparison of TifBlair Certified Centipede and Common Centipede Growth in Low pH Soils Soil pH Level TifBlair Common Growth Advantage Low pH-Plant Diameter 84" 52" 62% High pH-Plant Diameter 88" 80" 10%

Planted 6/89, Evaluated 8/15/91 - Griffin, GA Cold Hardy Enough For Northern Climates One of the biggest advantages of TifBlair over common centipede and St. Augustine grass is its improved cold tolerance. Tests conducted over 3 winters at Stillwater, OK and Blairsville, GA, demonstrated that TifBlair can survive prolonged severe winter temperatures. This is good news if you’re looking for an aggressive, low-maintenance turf that will do well on highway roadsides or commercial and residential lawns in the more northerly regions.

Adapts Remarkably Well To Dry Conditions With the volatile weather patterns, water shortages and outright water bans of the last few years, no wonder landscape professionals are looking for grasses with improved drought tolerance. TifBlair’s unique deep-rooting system gives it the ability to produce superior turf even in poor quality soils and under persistent day-in day-out dry conditions.

Improved Plant Vigor Shortens Grow-In Time On-farm comparisons of TifBlair and common centipede have shown that TifBlair grown from seed establishes more rapidly and with greater consistency than common centipede. This translates into a big advantage for homeowners and landscape professionals ike. Everybody benefits from shorter grow-in times, fewer weed problems and denser turf stands. And that’s the beauty of certified TifBlair centipede.