Martin's Lice Ban 1/2 Gallon

Seed World

Martin's Lice Ban 1/2 Gallon

Lice-Ban provides control of chewing (or biting) and sucking lice.

One application controls lice and has a zero-day preslaughter interval and milk discard time.

This product may be used as a component of an integrated pest management program, either alone or in combination with other insecticides as an aid to prevent the development of insecticide resistance.

Use Sites: Lactating and non-lactating dairy cattle, beef cattle, calves and horses

Effective Against: Sucking lice, chewing (or biting) lice, house flies, stable flies, horse flies, black flies, horn flies, deer flies, cattle ticks

Active Ingredients: 3.0% Diflubenzuron 5% Permethrin

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Category: Cows, Lice, Lice Ban, Martin's

Type: Insecticide

Brand: Seed World

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