Pasja Turnip Seed is great for deer food plots. Deer will eat the entire Turnip from the leaves to the bulb. Pasja Turnips are well adapted to the northern states but may also be planted in the south.
Pasja Turnip plants are a early-maturing (50-70 days) hybrid forage Turnip or Brassica. Pasja Turnip seed has been bred for rapid growth and high performance, with a high leaf-to-bulb ratio. Pasja Turnip seed can be used over a much longer period of time than the traditional rape cultivars. It has excellent regrowth ability and will provide good leafy summer feed for livestock as well.
Pasja can be used to supplement or extend the grazing season, when cool season pastures tend to slow down. It adds high quality forage to the Summer diet, and can be sown along with BMR-Sorghum-Sudangrass. It will regrow along with the Sudangrass and provide multiple grazings. If sown with cereal grains or annual Ryegrass in the Spring or late Summer, Pasja will provide excellent tonnage and high quality forage for multiple grazings. Pasja works well flown into standing Corn with Rye, Oats and annual Ryegrass in late Summer. Pasja can also be used as a break crop in order to convert older pastures to different species and newer varieties. An annual crop gives a bigger window to eliminate old, undesirable forage through the use of herbicides, tillage and competition of the Brassica crop itself.
Product Detail
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