Weedmaster Dicamba + 2, 4 D Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons


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Weedmaster Herbicide can be used on conservation reserve program land, fallow systems (between crop applications), general farmstead, sorghum, grass (hay or silage), pastures, rangeland, sugarcane, wheat, corn (pre-plant and pre-emergence), soybeans (pre-plant) and cotton (pre-plant). Also for control of brush and broadleaf weeds on rights-of-way, forest brush, industrial sites, non-irrigation ditch banks, fence rows, and other labeled non-crop areas.

Achieve outstanding control of brush and broadleaf weeds in a concentrated formula
Controls tough weeds such as horsenettle, thistles and blackberry
Safe for desirable grasses
Pre-emergence control with residual activity

Active Ingredient: 12.4% Dicamba; 35.7% 2,4-D