Our Selection of Forage Seeds
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Planting Persist Orchard Grass Seed Seeding Rate Seed Persist at 18-20 lbs per acre for...
Alfalfa Seed (Medicago sativa) Alfalfa is a cool season perennial legume living from three to twelve years,...
Wildlife Food Plot / Cattle Forage Seeding Rate: 15 Lbs. per Acre Planting Depth: 1/4...
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Arriba 2 Alfalfa Seed (Certified) Plant 25 lbs. per acre for best results. Depth: 1/4 inch. Soil:...
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Berseem clover - Trifolium alexandrinum L. Seeding Rate 20 Lbs Plants 1 Acre. Plant No...
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Blackhawk Arrowleaf Clover Seed Wildlife Food Plot / Cattle Forage Blackhawk Arrowleaf Clover was...
Bonus Teff Grass Bonus Teff is an annual, fine-stemmed, warm season grass that can be...
Bulldog Annual Ryegrass Seed Annual ryegrass is a cool-season grass that can be used...
Dalkeith Excellent Pasture Clover Key Features • Early season maturity – 97 days to flowering...
Defiance (Aphid Tolerant) Sorghum Typical 3-way sorghum Sudangrass hybrid with added resistant to Sugarcane aphid. Sugarcane...
Big Fellow Roundup Ready Soybean Seeds Big Fellow RR Soybeans are a very tall, large-leafed,...
Eagle Large Lad RR Soybean Seed Large Lad is our most popular Roundup Ready Soybean...
Frosty Berseem Clover Trifolium alexandrinum Frosty Berseem Clover is a cool season annual legume native...
Laredo Soybean Seed Laredo soybeans are an annual forage-type variety often used for summer wildlife...
Moxie Yellow Jacket Coated Teff Grass Teff is a fast-growing crop that produces a high...
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Osceola Ladino Clover Food Plot Seed Osceola Ladino Clover - this perennial clover is an...
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Patriot Clover Seed Excellent persistence under heavy grass competition and grazing pressure. Use in high...
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Quick-N-Big Crabgrass Seed "Quick-N-Big" Crabgrass Seed has its name because it germinates faster, grows quicker,...
Red River Crabgrass Seed Red River is an improved crabgrass that thrives during the hot,...
Large Leaf White Clover with Overgraze A great feature Regal Graze ladino clover is a...
Orchardgrass Seed (Dactylis glomerata) Plant 10 - 20 Lbs per Acre. Orchardgrass is a bunch-type,...
Sugar Grazer II Sorghum Sudangrass Seed Seed rate: 35-40 lbs./acre; plant in soil at least...
Swede Major Plus Seed Swede Major Plus is an annual forage plant with highly digestible...
Winton Swede Seed Winton Swede's highly digestible bulbs and leaves provide extended grazing for deer and...
The Most Widely Grown Teff in the U.S. Plant 8-10 Lbs. per Acre -...
Timothy Grass Seed (Claire or Climax) Plant 10 - 15 Lbs. per Acre Timothy is...
Climax Timothy Grass Seed Plant 10 - 15 Lbs. per Acre Timothy is a bunchgrass...
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Windham Winter Field Pea Seed Windham is recognized as having improved winter hardiness over Austrian-type winter...
Wrangler Bermuda Grass Seed (Certified Coated) Origin OKLAHOMA Wrangler Bermuda Grass Seed an improved seeded...