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Carbaryl 5% Dust Insecticide Controls many insects in vegetable gardens & ornamentals Use in...
For a good alternative click here Grubs Away Insecticide Grubs Away can be used for...
Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide with Daconil Same active ingredient as Bravo used in agriculture...
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Chlorpyrifos 1% Mole Cricket Bait This product is used for control of mole crickets and...
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Mole Cricket Bait For vegetables, flowers, fruits, ornamental plants, and lawns. Controls cutworms, armyworms, field...
Southern Ag Snail and Slug Bait Snail & Slug Bait is a controlled release soil...
Southern Ag Snail and Slug Bait Snail & Slug Bait is a controlled release soil...
Southern Ag 16-3-16 Soluble Fertilizer Southern Ag 16-3-16 is a high nitrate soluble fertilizer for...
Chlorpyrifos 2.5% Granular Insecticide For professional use only This product provides control of various insects...
Southern Ag 20-10-20 Nitrate Special Fertilizer Southern Ag 20-10-20 is a nitrate special soluble fertilizer...
Southern Ag 20-20-20 Soluble Fertilizer Southern Ag 20-20-20 is a soluble fertilizer with minor elements...
Southern Ag 20-20-20 Soluble Fertilizer with Dye Southern Ag 20-20-20 is a soluble fertilizer with...
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Southern Ag 21-5-20 Soluble Fertilizer Southern Ag 21-5-20 is an all purpose water soluble fertilizer...
Southern Ag 5-11-26 Hydroponic Special Soluble Fertilizer Southern Ag 5-11-26 Hydroponic Special has been formulated...
Southern Ag 8-15-36 Soluble Fertilizer This fertilizer has been formulated for growing plants in soilless...
Southern Ag All-Purpose 10-10-10 Fertilizer Balanced homogeneous plant nutrients for flower beds, roses, shrubs, trees,...
Aluminum Sulfate Granular Fertilizer Great for acid loving shrubs like rhododendrons, hydrangeas, blueberries, dogwoods, and...
Amine 400 2,4-D Weed Killer is a concentrated formulation containing 46.47% of the active ingredient...
Amine 400 2,4-D Weed Killer Herbicide Amine 400 2,4-D Weed Killer is a concentrated...
PRODUCT FEATURES Atrazine 4L is a pre- and post-emergent herbicide for the control of various...
Atrazine St. Augustine Weed Killer One quart treats approximately 3,700 sq. ft. of listed grasses;...
Atrazine St. Augustine Weed Killer One quart treats approximately 3,700 sq. ft. of listed grasses;...
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Atrazine St. Augustine Weed Killer One quart treats approximately 3,700 sq. ft. of listed grasses;...
Auguzine Atrazine Weed Killer Auguzine™ is a herbicide for the control of both emerged weeds...
Black Snake Sulfur Fertilizer Use on lawns to correct soil alkalinity and establish an acid soil...
Southern Ag 10-30-20 Bloom Booster Soluble Fertilizer + Minors High in Phosporous for more roots...
Southern Ag Blue Colorant Inert with most pesticides and fertilizers. Will not permanently stain skin,...
Southern Ag Blue Colorant Inert with most pesticides and fertilizers. Will not permanently stain skin,...
BORIC ACID People have been fighting cockroaches with boric acid for nearly a century. Boric...
BORIC ACID People have been fighting cockroaches with boric acid for nearly a century. Boric...
Broadloom Sedge Control (Basagran Alternative) A postemergence Herbicide for residential and small area use to control...
Broadloom Sedge Control Herbicide (Basagran Alternative) A postemergence Herbicide for residential and small area use to...
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CAPTAN FUNGICIDE Controls Botrytis Rot (greymold) on Strawberries Labeled for many fruits, ornamentals and lawns...
Chelated Citrus Nutritional Spray Citrus Nutritional Spray provides the minor elements most needed by Citrus...
Chelated Citrus Nutritional Spray Citrus Nutritional Spray provides the minor elements most needed by Citrus...
Chelated General Purpose Flower & Garden Nutritional Spray Used for the correction and prevention of...
Chelated General Purpose Flower & Garden Nutritional Spray Used for the correction and prevention of...
Chelated Liquid Iron Fertilizer For the correction and prevention of foliage yellowing due to iron...
Chelated Liquid Iron Fertilizer For the correction and prevention of foliage yellowing due to iron...
Chelated Palm Nutritional Spray Liquid Fertilizer Contains 4 nutrients for palms, including Manganese. Prevents...
Chelated Palm Nutritional Spray Liquid Fertilizer Contains 4 nutrients for palms, including Manganese. Prevents...
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Chelated Palm Nutritional Spray Liquid Fertilizer Contains 4 nutrients for palms, including Manganese. Prevents...
Conserve Naturalyte Insect Control Spinosad in a new biologically-derived insecticide developed by Dow Agrisciences made...
Conserve Naturalyte Insect Control Spinosad in a new biologically-derived insecticide developed by Dow Agrisciences made...
Copper Sulfate Granular Crystals Copper Sulfate Granular Crystals effectively controls both surface algae and bottom...
Copper Sulfate Granular Crystals Copper Sulfate Granular Crystals effectively controls both surface algae and bottom...
Crossbow Speciality Herbicide (Brush Killer) Low Volatile Weed and Brush Herbicide For the control of...
Crossbow Speciality Herbicide (Brush Killer) Low Volatile Weed and Brush Herbicide For the control of...
Crossbow Speciality Herbicide (Brush Killer) Low Volatile Weed and Brush Herbicide For the control of...
Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide with Daconil Same active ingredient as Bravo used in agriculture...