For use on turf and ornamentals and non-bearing fruit and nut trees in nursery and...
Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide with Daconil Same active ingredient as Bravo used in agriculture...
AI: 0.22% Imidacloprid. Fertilizer analysis: 6-9-6. 5 lb size protects and feeds up to 40...
3336 EG Turf and Ornamental Fungicide For Turf and Ornamental Applications For the prevention...
Adorn Fungicide Adorn Fungicide is a suspendable concentrate (SC). Adorn is most effective when applied...
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Agri-Mycin 17 Streptomycin Fungicide A protectant bactericide for combatting difficult diseases in fruit trees, vegetables, and...
Aliette WDG Fungicide Aliette WDG brand fungicide is a systemic fungicide that may be applied...
Complete rose and flower care-all without spraying. Three systemic products in one! Fertilizer-feeds and renews;...
Anderson's Prophesy DG Fungicide Andersons Prophesy Fungicide is a systematic granular fungicide that prevents and...
Appear II fungicide controls important diseases including Pythium and anthracnose, while enhancing color, turf quality...
Armada 50 WDG (Trifloxystrobin) Armada 50 WDG offers effective broad-spectrum control for protection against the toughest...
Ascernity fungicide combines SOLATENOL technology (benzovindiflupyr) an advanced SDHI for golf course turf and difenoconazole,...
AZOXY 2SC SELECT is recommended for control of anthracnose, brown patch, cool weather brown patch...
Banner Maxx II Fungicide Banner Maxx II is a systemic fungicide that provides effective broad-spectrum...
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Banol Fungicide Banol fungicide is one of the industry's leading Pythium control products. It delivers...
Banol Fungicide Banol fungicide is one of the industry's leading Pythium control products. It delivers...
Banrot 40 WP Fungicide Banrot 40 WP is a broad spectrum soil fungicide for the...
Banrot 8G Fungicide Use Banrot 8G in commercial greenhouses and nurseries to control damping-off, root...
Barricade 65 WG Herbicide Barricade 65WG herbicide stops more than 30 weeds from emerging. The water-dispersible...
Bayer Chipco 26GT Fungicide 26GT is a broad-spectrum fungicide that provides unsurpassed control of a variety...
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Bayleton 50 WSP Turf and Ornamental Fungicide Bayleton 50 is a systemic (acropetal penetrant) fungicide...
Milstop Broad Spectrum Foliar Fungicide MilStop is an EPA-registered, potassium bicarbonate-based foliar fungicide that kills...
Protect Plants from Blight, Powdery Mildew & More! BONIDE Liquid Copper Fungicide prevents and treat...
Bonide Revitalize Bio Fungicide TRIGGERS PLANT IMMUNE RESPONSE - Product is a broad-spectrum preventative biofungicide/bactericide...
Bonide Revitalize Bio Fungicide TRIGGERS PLANT IMMUNE RESPONSE - Product is a broad-spectrum preventative biofungicide/bactericide...
Nutritional Calcium Corrects calcium deficiency. Controls blossom end rot on tomatoes, other vegetables. Apply to...
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BotryStop Biological Fungicide BotryStop is an organic biological fungicide developed specifically for the control of...
For organic production. Directions for use on Ornamentals- Camelot O can be used for controlling...
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CAPTAN FUNGICIDE Controls Botrytis Rot (greymold) on Strawberries Labeled for many fruits, ornamentals and lawns...
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Captan 50W Fungicide (Wettable Powder) A wettable powder fungicide specially formulated to mix easily with...
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Broad-spectrum, non-systemic contact fungicide that acts immediately to penetrate fungal spores. Acts primarily as a...
Caravan G Granular Insecticide Fungicide Caravan G controls more than 20 turfgrass diseases...
Cease Microbial Fungicide and Bactericide Based on a naturally occurring, patented strain of Bacillus subtilis...
Chipco 26019 Flo Fungicide Chipco 26019 Flo is a foliar-applied fungicide recommended for turfgrass disease...
Chipco Signature Systemic Fungicide Chipco Signature is a systemic fungicide, which may be used in...
Chlorothalonil 720 SFT Fungicide Flowable Fungicide Economical, cost-effective, broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm-season grasses,...
Cleary's 3336 Plus Fungicide Application rate: 2-8 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft., depending on disease...
Compass 50 WG Fungicide Use rate: 0.1-0.25 oz./1000 sq. ft., every 14-28 days, depending on...
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Compass O 50WDG Fungicide Compass O is a mesostemic fungicide that provides 14-21 days of...
Concert II Fungicide Use rate: 1.5-8.3 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. Concert II fungicide provides...
Cueva Liquid Copper Fungicide Concentrate Cueva fungicide concentrate is a fixed copper fungicide...
CuPRO 5000 Dry Flowable Fungicide/Bactericide For control of bacterial and fungal diseases of foliage, flowers...
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Cuproxat FL premium copper fungicide from Nufarm is engineered with proprietary chemistry to deliver uniform,...
Daconil Action Fungicide Daconil Action may seem like magic, but the process of boosting the...
Liquid Ornamental & Vegetable Fungicide with Daconil Same active ingredient as Bravo used in agriculture...
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide Daconil Ultrex is a contact fungicide that exhibits a multi-site...
Daconil Weatherstik Fungicide Daconil Weatherstik® is a contact fungicides that exhibits a multi-site mode of action...
Daconil Zn Flowable Fungicide Daconil Zn provides excellent once-a-year disease control. It can be used...
Decree 50 WDG Fungicide Decree fungicide is the new standard for Botrytis. 12-hour REI allows...
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Disarm 480 SC Liquid Fungicide Superior Brown Patch Control Broad spectrum fungicide 28 days of...