Aim EC Herbicide Aim EC is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation. Aim EC is to be...
Aria Insecticide for AphidsAria insecticide is a water dispersible granular formulation with a unique mode...
Astro Permethrin Turf and Ornamental Insecticide Permethrin 36.8% Astro insecticide provides excellent control of borers,...
Dismiss South Herbicide is a selective post emergence herbicide which controls annual grasses, broadleaf weeds...
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Fame G (Disarm G substitute) ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Fluoxastrobin: [(1E)-[2 [[6 (2 Chlorophenoxy) 5 fluoro 4...
Kalida Fungicide combines the active ingredients fluindapyr (a novel SDHI) and flutriafol (next-generation DMI) into...
Triple Crown GC InsecticideTriple Crown T&O Insecticide is a revolutionary triple-action solution to help you...