Altercel PGR Plant Growth Regulator Formerly Cycocel Altercel is among the most reliable and widely...
Ancora Microbial Insecticide (Preferal Alternative) Ancora Microbial Insecticide is a naturally-occurring fungus that infects both foliage and...
Azatin O Biological Insecticide Azatin O is a newly-formulated biological insect growth regulator (IGR) used...
B-Nine Plant Growth Regulator Water Soluble Granules B-Nine reduces stature in ornamental plants by reducing...
B-Nine Plant Growth Regulator Water Soluble Granules B-Nine reduces stature in ornamental plants by reducing...
Biathlon Ornamental Herbicide Biathlon is a pre-emergent granular herbicide for control of weeds in field...
BotaniGard 22 WP Biological Insecticide Wettable PowderBotaniGard Mycoinsecticide is an effective biological insecticide that is...
Casoron 4G Pre A pre-emergent herbicide that easily handles many troublesome weeds in and around...
Casoron 4G Fine 16-30 Mesh Herbicide25lbA pre-emergent herbicide which easily handles many troublesome weeds in...
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Cycocel Plant Growth Regulator Rate of use: 0.217-3.25 fl. oz./gallon; see label for details ...
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Cycocel Plant Growth Regulator Rate of use: 0.217-3.25 fl. oz./gallon; see label for details ...
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Grotto copper fungicide/bactericide provides effective, broad-spectrum prevention and control of key diseases on a variety...
Marathon 1% G Insecticide Marathon 1% G is a highly-active insecticide that demonstrates systemic...
Marathon 1% Imidacloprid Granules Greenhouse and Nursery Insecticide Marathon 1% G is a highly-active...
Marathon 60 WP Insecticide Water Soluble Packets Marathon 60 WP is a wettable powder...
Marathon II Insecticide Flowable Formulation Marathon II is a flowable formulation that allows for...
Marengo Liquid Herbicide Suspension Concentrate Marengo is a pre-emergent, selective liquid herbicide that offers long-term...
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OHP 6672 4.5 F Liquid Flowable Systemic Turf and Ornamental Fungicide OHP 6672 is...
OHP 6672 50 WP Systemic Turf and Ornamental Fungicide OHP 6672 is a broad-spectrum...
OHP Adept 25W Insect Growth Regulator Adept IGR is an effective tool for controlling fungus,...
OHP Chipco 26019 Fungicide Chipco 26019 N/G is a broad spectrum fungicide that may...
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Paczol Ornamental Plant Growth Regulator Paczol is an extremely active plant growth regulator that can...
Pedestal Insect Growth Regulator Pedestal Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) is effective in controlling a variety...
Segway O Fungicide Segway O Greehouse and Nursery fungicide is a flowable suspension concentrate...
Segway O Greenhouse and Nursery fungicide is a flowable suspension concentrate formulation that controls Pythium,...
Shuttle O Miticide Shuttle O Miticide is the first product from the naphthoquinone derivative...
Sirocco Miticide InsecticideSirocco Miticide Insecticide Sirocco provides quick knockdown and long residual control of...
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Strike Plus 50 WDG Fungicide Strike Plus 50 WDG is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide for...
Terraclor 400 Ornamental Fungicide Terraclor 400 is an effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of...
An effective disease control program combining Terraguard SC fungicide with good cultural and sanitary practices...
Terrazole 35 WP Fungicide Terrazole 35WP soil fungicide is effective for prevention and control...
Terrazole L is an effective soil fungicide for prevention and control of damping-off, root rot...
Triact 70 Insecticide/Miticide Triact 70 is a insecticide/fungicide/miticide for indoor and outdoor use on ornamental...
Triathlon BA Aqueous Suspension Biofungicide/Bactericide Triathlon BA is a broad-spectrum preventative biofungicide for control of...